Thirty seven electric vehicle (EV) driver associations have joined forces to create the Global EV Drivers’ Alliance, representing the voice of EV drivers around the globe in leading the shift to clean electric transportation. The grassroots, non-profit organization collects best practices, inspiration and information from EV driver associations and their members to help, inform and inspire each other to accelerate electric mobility in their own regions/countries and worldwide. Take a look at: The members of the Alliance are calling for every new light-duty car and truck sold worldwide to have a plug by the end of this decade. A shift to electric transportation is essential to quickly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, avoiding dangerous climate change, improving local air quality and reducing respiratory diseases in cities around the world. With the rapid improvements in EV technology and the new vehicles coming into the market over the coming months, it is entirely achievable. A rapid shift to electric transportation can be achieved through supportive policies in the respective countries. For example, the market share for plug-in vehicles in Germany grew from 3% in 2019 to 13.5% in 2020 and the UK market went from 3.2% to 10.7% in the same period. By working together, EV driver associations can share best practices and strategies, ensuring that EV drivers’ voices are heard in EV policy discussions worldwide. In addition to the climate change and air quality benefits, electric vehicles provide many additional benefits to consumers, including the savings and convenience of fueling with electricity instead of gasoline, sharply reduced maintenance and the smooth and powerful driving experience provided by an electric motor. One of the first joint ventures under the Global EV Drivers’ Alliance will be the cooperation within the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26, which will be held in Glasgow in November 2021. In connection with the event,.associations connected within the GEVA plan to organise events in their own countries and to organise the first rally in Scotland in order to promote electromobility as key part of COP transport solutions. The global shift to electric vehicles is increasing exponentially, with more than 3.24 million EVs sold worldwide in 2020, compared to 2.26 million in 2019, despite the COVID pandemic and accompanying economic downturn. Christian Peter Simon-Pierre Rioux Wilf Steimle Ellen Hiep Guillaume Séguin Petter Haugneland Magnus Johansson Tibor Antalóczy Bridget Phelps Neil Swanson Edmund Araga Łukasz Lewandowski ★ Patrick Renau i Meier Dragan Skrnjic Tom Sjötun Berkan Bayram Eitan Parnass Philippe Vangeel April Bolduc Joel Levin
Global EV Alliance
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
The Global EV Alliance is a grass roots non-profit network of 57 electric drivers’ assocations from 33 countries
About us
The Global EV Alliance is a grass roots non profit network of 57 national electric drivers’ associations from 33 countries around the globe:
- Website
External link for Global EV Alliance
- Industry
- Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
- Company size
- 1 employee
- Headquarters
- We are global
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2021
- Specialties
- Electric vehicles
We are global, OO
Employees at Global EV Alliance
The Global EV Drivers Alliance (GEVA) is proud to announce the release of the first-ever 🌎 global survey of the experiences of EV users with response from over ⚡ 23,000 ⚡ EV drivers worldwide. Results show that 92% intend to buy a zero-emission EV again for their next car. “This is a remarkably high number and the results confirm that drivers love the EV experience and EVs are here to stay,” says Joel Levin, chair of GEVA and Director of Plug In America. The weighted results show that only 1% indicate they will return to a petrol or diesel car, and 4% would opt for a plug-in hybrid (PHEV) if they had to replace their car tomorrow. 😍 “These results confirm that EV drivers are highly satisfied with their choice, and that reports of declining EV popularity are greatly exaggerated,” says Petter Haugneland, Assistant Secretary General of Norsk elbilforening (Norwegian EV Association) It’s not all about climate 🏧 Results show that lower operating costs are the most important motivation for buying an EV. “This should serve as an eye-opener for policymakers worldwide. While a vibrant electric vehicle market is crucial for reducing climate emissions from road transport, achieving this goal hinges on making EVs an even more affordable option for all,” says Ellen Hiep, board member of the Dutch Electric Vehicle Drivers Association Vereniging Elektrische Rijders. 🐝 The environmental benefits of EVs emerged as the second most important motivation. Charging infrastructure needs to continue to improve Charging infrastructure is quite good in most countries and continues to expand on a steady pace. 🚙 Charging infrastructure is quite good in most countries and continues to expand on a steady pace. However, some EV drivers still find charging to be a hassle. When being asked about the disadvantages of driving an EV, the results indicate that the most significant drawbacks are the limited availability of fast chargers, the time-consuming nature of charging, and the frequent downtime of fast charging stations. “This demonstrates that EV drivers are similar to consumers in general – they desire convenience and a hassle-free experience. Even though the majority of EV drivers charge at home most of the time, developing consumer-friendly charging solutions is crucial for the growth of the EV mass market,” says Christian Peter, Director of EMC ElektroMobilitätsClub of Austria. EV drivers The Global EV Driver Survey includes over 23,000 results from 18 countries and is the first and most comprehensive global survey among EV drivers. You can read it here ⬇️
Are EVs more popular than ever, or are their sunny days over? For the first time in history, the Global EV Alliance has conducted a survey among ⚡ 23,000 EV ⚡ drivers across 18 different countries. The survey provides insights into questions as: - What motivated the EV drivers to go fully electric? - What are the biggest ups and downs owning an electric car? - Do they want to switch back to a fossil fueled car? GEVA invites you to a webinar where we will examine the global average results and compare them with the experiences of EV drivers in 18 different countries worldwide. The webinar will include comments from GEVA member associations about the results and a Q&A session at the end. ✏️ Sign up for the webinar on Teams December 10 at 19:00 – 19:45 CET. EMC ElektroMobilitätsClub Vereniging Elektrische Rijders Plug In America Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT) Zambian Electric Mobility Innovation Alliance (ZEMIA) Vancouver Electric Vehicle Association (VEVA) Asociación de Usuarios de Vehículos Eléctricos (AUVE) ABRAVEi AVERE - The European Association for Electromobility Sekretariatet FDEL EV Klub Polska FFAUVE - Fédération Française des Associations d'Utilisateurs de Véhicules Electriques Asociación de Movilidad Eléctrica de El Salvador (ASOMOVES) Asociación Costarricense de Movilidad Eléctrica (ASOMOVE) Norsk elbilforening (Norwegian EV Association)
Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams
We are so happy to announce that there will be a great delegation of Electric Vehicle Driver's Associations at AEC 2024 this year! It will be a great meetup for everyone who is interested in the electric revolution and its impact on the end user. Vereniging Elektrische Rijders UVE - Associação de Utilizadores de Veículos Elétricos Asociación de Usuarios de Vehículos Eléctricos (AUVE) FFAUVE - Fédération Française des Associations d'Utilisateurs de Véhicules Electriques EMC ElektroMobilitätsClub Društvo e-Mobilnost Slovenija Stephane SEMERIA Ellen Hiep Christian Peter Ignac Završnik Will we meet you there? ⬇
Practical information
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[ENG BELOW] Wow, co to były za 3 dni! Kongres Nowej Mobilności | New Mobility Congress po raz kolejny udowodnił, że jest największym i najważniejszym wydarzeniem związanym z #eMobility w Polsce, a także jednym z czołowych w Europie. Przez trzy dni byliśmy świadkami intensywnych dyskusji merytorycznych, interesujących wystąpień oraz niesamowitych premier — nie tylko samochodów, ale również eHDV, infrastruktury do ładowania, a także nowego złącza do ładowania MCS! KNM2024 to także idealna okazja do spotkań branżowych i networkingu. Dziękuję za niezliczoną liczbę spotkań i dyskusji! :) Szczególne podziękowania również dla członków Global EV Alliance, którzy przebyli tysiące kilometrów by pojawić się na Kongresie - Sveinung André Kvalø, Tibor Antalóczy, Ignac Završnik - dziękuję za udział w panelu dyskusyjnym "EV Clubs Lead the Way for Change in Sustainable Mobility". Panel został merytorycznie dopełniony od strony IT przez Paweł Małkowiak z SolidStudio, a moderowała Agata Rzędowska. Dla mnie osobiście jednym z najważniejszych momentów KNM było eMobility Media Awards 2024. Jako Fundacja EV Klub Polska mieliśmy przyjemność wręczyć nagrody w czterech kategoriach, których zwycięzców wybrali członkowie naszej organizacji: 🏆 Dziennikarz Roku EV Klub Polska – Bartłomiej Derski 🏆 Najlepsza promocja na stacjach ładowania 2024 – Grupa Polenergia 🏆 Krzywa ładowania roku (performance roku) – Porsche Polska #Taycan 🏆 Marka Roku EV Klub Polska – Volvo Car Poland To była czysta przyjemność być po raz kolejny częścią tego wydarzenia. Do zobaczenia w przyszłym roku – tym razem w Katowicach! ---------------------------------- Wow, what an amazing 3 days! The New Mobility Congress once again proved that it is the largest and most important eMobility event in Poland and one of the top ones in Europe. For three days, we witnessed intensive expert discussions, interesting presentations, and incredible premieres—not only of cars but also eHDVs, charging infrastructure and even the new MCS charging connector! KNM2024 was also a perfect opportunity for industry meetings and networking. Thank you for the countless meetings and discussions! :) Special thanks to my GEVA colleagues, who traveled thousands of kilometers to attend the Congress for participating in the discussion panel "EV Clubs Lead the Way for Change in Sustainable Mobility." The panel was enriched by Paweł Małkowiak and moderated by Agata Rzędowska. For me personally, one of the most important moments of the Congress was the eMobility Media Awards 2024. As the EV Klub Polska Foundation, we had the pleasure of presenting awards in four categories, with winners selected by the members of our organization: 🏆 Journalist of the Year EV Klub Polska 🏆 Best Promotion at Charging Stations 2024 🏆 Charging Curve of the Year (Performance of the Year) 🏆 Brand of the Year EV Klub Polska It was a true pleasure to once again be part of this event. See you next year—this time in Katowice! #elektromobilność
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With interest in electric buildings and transportation taking off, we had a strong presence at FullyCharged.SHOW & Everything Electric in Vancouver over the weekend, with multiple members of the ZEIC team speaking on panels as well as manning a booth. Pictured below is our BC Retrofit Accelerator Program Manager Darla Simpson speaking on a panel, "How to persuade your friends and family to make a change," with Carbon Wise, Greenworks Inc, and Global EV Alliance.
Autonomous vehicles driving around the Yutong factory in China. Łukasz Lewandowski from EV Klub Polska had the pleasure of experiencing a ride of such vehicles. Check out the short video how it drives.
Odstawiając gorący temat taryf dynamicznych na chwilę na bok, dzisiaj chciałbym Wam pokazać jak Chińczycy pędzą z technologią nie tylko elektryfikacji, ale także jazdy autonomicznej. Ostatnio będąc w fabryce #Yutong w Chinach miałem okazję przejechać się takimi oto autonomicznymi pojazdami. Na razie nie jeżdżą one jeszcze po drogach publicznych, ale są już w pełni zaprogramowane żeby jeździć po terenie fabryki, który oczywiście jest ogromny. Pojazdy te są elektryczne, a z racji bezpieczeństwa, podczas jazdy musi być osoba, która w razie niespodziewanych okoliczności będzie mogła przejąć kontrolę 🚌 Więcej informacji o rozwoju autonomicznego transportu będziecie mogli usłyszeć już w przyszłym miesiącu podczas Kongres Nowej Mobilności | New Mobility Congress 🗓️ #elektromobilność
On 24-26 of September during the Kongres Nowej Mobilności | New Mobility Congress in Łódź (Poland), EV drivers' associations associated with #GEVA will have the opportunity to meet at a joint event and take part in the discussion panel "EV Clubs Lead the Way for Change in Sustainable Mobility!" The GEVA panelists during this discussion panel will be: - Łukasz Lewandowski, EV Klub Polska - Ignac Završnik, Slovenian e-Mobility Society - Sveinung André Kvalø, Norsk elbilforening (Norwegian EV Association) - Tibor Antalóczy, Hungarian Electromobility Association - Berkan Bayram, TEHAD Türkiye ElektrikliHibrid Araçlar Derneği See you at NMC2024!
Manager at Celtis d.o.o., e-mobility since 2003. Tested EVs in Slovenia, worked with ELES, Ministry. Chairman of Slovenian e-Mobility Society since 2017, organizing events. Co-authored decarbonization paper, GEVA member.
I will be a guest speaker at the New Mobility Congress in Łódź, Poland. The panel topic will be „Electrifying Progress: The Crucial Role of EV Associations in Sustainable Transport.“ @
Global EV Alliance reposted this
[ENG BELOW] 258 SZYBKICH STACJI ŁADOWANIA W JEDNYM MIEJSCU! 🫨 Do tej pory jeżdżąc po różnych krajach Europy i widząc huby ładowania z kilkudziesięcioma stacjami w jednym miejscu wydawało mi się, że to dużo. Jednak dzisiaj ten obraz ulega zmianie. Odwiedziliśmy z Bartłomiej Derski hub do ładowania, przy którym 20, 40 czy nawet 60 stacji ładowania w jednym miejscu to niewiele. Przed Państwem Shell Recharge Shenzhen Airport EV Station, który znajduje się obok lotniska w Shenzhen w Chinach 🇨🇳 Hub zbudowany został przez Shell oraz BYD. ⚡️254 stacje o mocy 250 kW ⚡️4 stacje o mocy 480 kW Te liczby robią niesamowite wrażenie, a widząc na żywo prawie w całości wypełniony hub samochodami elektrycznymi wygląda to jakby wszyscy przyjechali na zlot EV Klub Polska (który notabene już 25 maja). Ten ogromny hub obsługuje dziennie ponad 3300 samochodów elektrycznych 😅 Dach jest zbudowany z paneli fotowoltaicznych generujących rocznie ponad 300 GWh energii elektrycznej ☀️ Kierowcy podczas ładowania mogą skorzystać na miejscu z następujących udogodnień: - Shell Cafe - Shell Select - Restauracja Shell - Wulkanizacja ————————— 258 FAST CHARGING STATIONS IN ONE PLACE! ⚡️🫨 So far, traveling around various countries in Europe and seeing charging hubs with dozens of stations in one place, I thought it was a lot. However, today this picture is changing. We visited with Bartłomiej Derski a charging hub where 20, 40, or even 60 charging stations in one place is not much. Let me introduce you the Shell Recharge Shenzhen Airport EV Station 🇨🇳 The hub was built by a joint venture between Shell and BYD. ⚡️254 charging stations with a power of 250 kW ⚡️4 charging stations with a power of 480 kW These numbers are impressive, and seeing the hub almost entirely filled with electric cars live looks like everyone came to the EV Klub Polska rally (which, by the way, is already on May 25). This huge hub serves over 3,300 electric cars daily 😅 The roof is made of photovoltaic panels generating over 300 GWh of electricity annually ☀️ Drivers can use the following amenities on-site while charging: - Shell Cafe - Shell Select - Shell Restaurant - Tire service #shell #shellrecharge #evklubpolska #shenzhen #byd #china #charging #charginghub #emobility #elektromobilność Lukasz Klamka Paulina Sigiel Ellen Hiep Joel Levin Christian Peter Petter Haugneland
Charging hub in Germany ⚡️⚡️⚡️
⚡️TELEPORT DO PRZYSZŁOŚCI⚡️ Tak będą wyglądać huby do ładowania w Polsce za kilka lat 🔌 #Shell #ShellRecharge #Tesla #TeslaSupercharger #Allego #EVklubPolska Lukasz Klamka Paulina Sigiel