Greenville Homeless Alliance

Greenville Homeless Alliance

Non-profit Organization Management

Greenville, South Carolina 1,752 followers

To strengthen partnerships and broaden support in an effort to increase options for people experiencing homelessness.

About us

The Greenville Homeless Alliance (GHA) is a collaboration of individuals and organizations seeking or creating solutions for an individual or family that lacks a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence. Partners engaged in the GHA aim to maximize community assets and pool resources, and we invite everyone in our community to become fiercely committed to ending homelessness and participate in creating a systemic and empathetic community wide response to do so. Vision: Safe, affordable homes for everyone in Greenville County Mission: To strengthen the partnerships and broaden support in order to increase options for individuals or families who are experiencing homelessness and who are seeking stability and a safe, affordable home. Goals: Ignite change to end homelessness by convening partners to: 1. Reduce the duration of homelessness for individuals and families by increasing affordable housing options. 2. Prevent homelessness by expanding effective support services available to families at risk of experiencing homelessness.

Non-profit Organization Management
Company size
2-10 employees
Greenville, South Carolina
Collective Impact, Housing, Homelessnessness, Economic Development, Advocacy, Systems Change, Policies, Public Private Partnership, Greenville County, Effective Support Services, Data Driven, Community Engagement, Mass Transit, Collaboration, Innovation, Education, and Operational Excellence


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