It’s time to correct autocorrect.
41% of names given to babies in England and Wales are ‘incorrect’, according to our devices’ English dictionaries. This is an issue that disproportionately affects names with African or Asian origin as well as Scottish, Welsh and Irish names. No child should be othered by the technology that is integral to their life.
It’s time for Big Tech to fix the fault in the default and develop technology that greater reflects the society in which it functions.
A name carries so much more than letters—it’s culture, heritage, and individuality. This article is a great reflection of what we stand for at I Am Not A Typo. Let’s keep the conversation going and make space for every name in every room. ✨
Xaymaca Awoyungbo#iamnotatypo
It's campaign launch day! We've been waiting to share this with the world and couldn't be prouder to have this important piece of work go live today: Ethnicity Pay Gap Day.
In case you missed it... Non-white workers in the UK continue to face systemic inequalities that affect their wages and career opportunities.
In July 2024, after years of advocacy by a raft of organisations including People Like Us, the inclusion of ethnicity pay gap reporting in a draft bill during the King’s Speech was a major step forward. But progress is too slow, and the financial harm faced by ethnic minority workers demands action now. Our #NameTheBias campaign exposes the biases ingrained in hiring and beyond. From recruitment to promotion, these biases perpetuate inequality. We need mandatory reporting and broader reforms to dismantle these barriers. It's time to #NameTheBias.
We need you to get involved—let’s make the change we want to see. Watch and share this video and help spread the message:
None of this would have been possible without the extraordinary support and kindness of our agency partners and friends who have largely worked on this project pro bono or at massively reduced rates, largely because they believe in the cause as much as we do.
Here are the heroes behind this creative:
Production company: new—land
Director & Art Director: Naghmeh Pour
Executive Producers: Sara Samsøe & Thor Brammer
Director of Photography: Jasper Spanning
Producer: Sofia Klitgaard
Production Manager: Julie Seifert
Production Assistant: Ida Elena Lindemann
Agency: Worth Your While
Creative Director/Partner: Tim Pashen
Creative Director/Partner: Lukas Lund
Copywriters: Y.A Poet (Yasmin Ali) & Tim Pashen
Creatives: Jakob Hjulström & Malou Ruotsalainen
Art Director: Katrine Winblad
Chief Strategy Officer: Tali Madsen
Design Director: Craig Ward
Account Manager: Celina Ranum Aagaard
Account Manager: Christine Gyrsting Lorentzen#EthnicityPayGap#FairPay#PeopleLikeUs#ChangeIsNow#NameTheBias
Looks like someone needs their prescription updated- not to mention their online dictionaries! 👀🧐
As we kick off 2025, at I Am Not A Typo, typos are out and updated dictionaries are in! 🤷♀️📕✨
We’re hoping that this will be the year Google, Apple and Microsoft renew their online dictionaries to better reflet our ever-diverse society.
New year, new me? or will the Tech Giants still be rocking the same red squiggly lines under some of the UK’s most popular names?
To find out how you can help create a new and more inclusive tech reality this 2025, visit ✨
Saw this amazing campaign and remembered something a senior leader once said to me…
“It’s just easier to not hire someone with a name you can’t spell”
They weren’t joking — this does still happen.
Let’s do better and focus more on unconscious bias.
Shoutout and image credit to I Am Not A Typo.
Fred on over to Twitter via the link in bio to check out some of the big Brian entries our OMBLES are entering for today's One Minute Brief with I Am Not A Typo 🥰🙌
Create posters to promote #IAmNotATypo - a collective aiming to create social change so no one feels like an oversight 👀🙏
WINNER PRIZE: £100 cash!!
More details on the brief here:
Seeing I Am Not A Typo talked about in different corners of the world and in different languages has been one of the highlights of 2024 for me.
I remember having a little bit of free time just before an interview with a radio station in Montreal in Canada (CJAD 800 Montreal!), so managed to look up the registered names of children born in Quebec, and found that really popular, modern Quebecois names were computer-says-no'd by Microsoft's English (CAN) dictionary. That really stuck with me.
We're not asking that every single combination of letters be included in every global dictionary, but it really isn't conceptually difficult to upgrade name dictionaries across markets to reflect critical masses of names that are comparably common to Tom, Dick and Harry.
I had the joy of speaking to Fast Company earlier this year, and Talib Visram underlined how we were keen to give the responsible companies the 'benefit of the doubt for now'.
'[Cathal] is hesitant to call their oversights racist, rather a “blind spot” in the technology. But if they don’t act while aware of the campaign, he may start to think the ignorance is more nefarious.'
I Am Not A Typo's campaign has focused on UK data, and English (UK) dictionaries. The UK is a perfect case for the changes suggested. All the data required to make name dictionaries more inclusive and reflective of the societies in which they function is public and free. And we are happy to help out.
Freelance Multilingual Copy & UX Writer | Inclusive and Accessible Language Advocate | Software & SaaS Localization (EN > IT | ES > IT) | Alt Text Writer | WordPress Polyglot
Hai presente quando digiti una parola straniera o con un errore di battitura su WhatsApp e l’autocorrettore corregge “di testa sua”?
O quando scrivi la stessa parola su Word o Gmail e il dizionario integrato la sottolinea per avvisarti che stai facendo un errore?
A molte persone questo capita quando digitano il loro nome.
Come tanti altri prodotti tech del nostro quotidiano, anche i dizionari dei nomi usati dalle piattaforme con cui scriviamo riflettono una visione piuttosto ridotta e occidentalocentrica del mondo.
Sono programmati da persone che lavorano in grandi aziende tech e che spesso pensano agli utenti finali a loro immagine e somiglianza. Utenti con nomi "familiari".
I Am Not A Typo, un collettivo che si occupa del legame tra identità e tecnologia, sfida i giganti del tech ad aggiornare questi dizionari affinché tutti i nomi siano trattati allo stesso modo dalle nostre tecnologie.
Perché, come dice Dhruti Shah, giornalista e testimonial della campagna, «quando il tuo nome viene segnalato come un errore oppure deformato e considerato una parola sconosciuta, sembra che non sia solo il tuo nome a essere sbagliato, ma pure tu.»
Ne parlo più approfonditamente in "Sei un typo?", il numero 66 di Ojalá, la mia newlsetter sulla comunicazione inclusiva e accessibile. 📧
Sono già più di 4.000 le persone che la ricevono gratuitamente su Substack o via email. Puoi iscriverti anche tu dal link che trovi nel primo commento.
Our very own Cathal Wogan and Malini Bhargav will be speaking at Ticketsolve Recharge 2024 next week. The event, which will focus on pushing boundaries, building resilience and driving the communications sector forward, provides the perfect opportunity to discuss our own work to foster greater inclusion in the tech space. Cathal and Malini will be detailing Blurred’s own I Am Not A Typo campaign that seeks to engage with Tech Giants, encouraging them to update their online dictionaries and correct autocorrect.
The campaign, launched in March, was propelled by the insight that 41% of UK children’s names are currently flagged as typos by many of our devices. In an age where we are all striving toward greater inclusion, no one deserves to feel othered by their device.
We have received thousands of online submissions from members of the public sharing their experiences with spell check and as we push forward with our mission to engage with Big Tech, we’re delighted to share our message at next week’s forum.
Image below includes: Yellow background with black text that reads 'My name's not a typo. It's my identity.' The word typo is underlined in red to signify a spelling mistake, whilst the word identity is underlined and highlighted in green to show a correction.
Starbucks proving that, even at my big age, I’ve not seen it all and can still learn something new.
It’s 7:02am and this is already the second time today I’ve had my name misspelt and it won’t be the last. And people will laugh at THEIR mistake and point out why I’M somehow wrong.
I’ve become sadly accustomed to it, but imagine if you’re one of the 41% of children today who’s names are deemed ‘incorrect’ and are made to feel wrong day in day out. They deserve better.
If you haven’t seen the great work of I Am Not A Typo take a look. We can all do better.