On 28 November 2024, #PROTEGO hosted a Focus Group Discussion on combating marine litter at the Ada East Municipal Assembly 🇬🇭 , bringing together key stakeholders to address this pressing environmental challenge. As a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Ada is crucial in preserving biodiversity, making sustainable waste management and marine protection even more vital. We are committed to reducing marine pollution and safeguarding our environment for future generations through collaboration and innovation. PROTEGO - Prevention of Marine Litter in the Gulf of Guinea is a 3-year project (July 2024 – June 2027) funded by the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety. Partners: 🇳🇬 Nigeria Climate Innovation Center | WASTE Africa (Initiative for the Advancement of Waste Management in Africa) 🇬🇭 Plastic Punch | GHANA NATIONAL CLEANER PRODUCTION CENTRE 🇩🇪 Lead - adelphi #SDGs #Oceandecade #GulfofGuinea #Ghana #Nigeria #PROTEGO