Tertarik menjadi konsultan green building di Nityasa? Kalau kamu lulusan S1 Arsitektur, Teknik Fisika atau Teknik Elektro, kirimkan berkas lamaran dan CV Anda melalui email kami ke info@nityasaharita.com #nityasaid #lowongankerja #loker #lokerjakarta #lokertangerang #lokerjabodetabek #arsitektur #teknikfisika #teknikelektro
PT Ganitri Nityasa Harita
Architecture and Planning
Contribute in global action for sustainability by promoting low impact development and human wellbeing.
About us
Green Building and Sustainability Consultant. The idea of Nityasa was born in 2020. Nityasa, which in Sanskrit means ‘sustainability”, is a response from us to global challenges. It was not only to cope with climate change, but also to deal with something that is harmful to our health directly, the Covid 19 pandemic. These situation made us realize that the changes in each different level of our life need to be taken in a sustainable manner, for the sake of the health and well-being of the human and its environment. We manifested this awareness through our commitment to actively participate in the changes. We formalized the idea to become an engine in accomodating our compassion and expertise as a sustainability consultant, PT Ganitri Nityasa Harita. Hopefully, Nityasa’s journey will color the path of our world significantly towards sustainability.
- Website
External link for PT Ganitri Nityasa Harita
- Industry
- Architecture and Planning
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2022
Employees at PT Ganitri Nityasa Harita
Andre Jonathan Tjokro R
GREENSHIP Professional; WELL AP; Edge Expert; ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer
Ika Dermawan
Greenship Professional; EDGE Expert; EDGE Auditor; Ahli Utama Penilai Bangunan Hijau
Dian Fitria
Greenship Professional; LEED AP BD+C; LEED AP ID+C; EDGE Expert; EDGE Auditor, BGH Expert, Ahli Utama Penilai Bangunan Hijau
Kelly Sandy
Green Building Officer at PT Ganitri Nityasa Harita
Beberapa waktu lalu, kami mengamati bahwa buku arsitektur sering kali sulit diakses. Dari survei di Instagram OMAH Library, kami menemukan bahwa banyak pembaca merasa harga buku arsitektur yang melebihi Rp.200.000 terlalu mahal. Selain itu, buku arsitektur berwarna dengan narasi dan gambar yang seimbang menjadi pilihan utama. Menariknya, alasan utama pembelian buku arsitektur adalah untuk memahami metode atau pemikiran arsitektur. Kami percaya bahwa ilmu pengetahuan seharusnya murah dan mudah diakses. Untuk itu, kami berinisiatif menerbitkan buku dengan cetakan monokrom untuk menekan biaya produksi dan menjadikannya lebih terjangkau. Kami yakin kualitas dan substansi buku lebih penting daripada estetika visual yang mahal. Kami sedang mengerjakan buku dengan tema arsitektur berkelanjutan yang membahas krisis lingkungan—isu global yang penting. Ada beberapa kriteria yang kami telusuri, yang pertama harus terjangkau, yang kedua harus melibatkan berbagai macam aktor, dan yang ketiga buku ini perlu untuk memantik dialog yang lebih luas. Perjuangan ini bukan lah hal baru. Sepuluh tahun lalu tepatnya di tahun 2014, kami merilis buku seri "Never Ending Dialogue in the Strange Architecture Library" dengan judul Alpha, yang diedit oleh Realrich Sjarief, Gregorius G. Gerard, Rifandi S. Nugroho, dan Rezki Dikaputera. Buku terbaru kami, "#2 Sustainable Architecture: Never Ending Dialogue in Strange Architecture Library," juga dicetak monokrom untuk mengurangi biaya. Buku ini dilengkapi dengan 87 foto, 12 diagram, 20 ilustrasi, dan 14 wawancara kontributor. Kami perlu berterima kasih kepada seluruh kontributor kami Eko Prawoto, Adli Nadia, Andhang R. Trihamdani, Dian Fitria, Doti Windajani, Eka Swadiansa, Eko S. Darmansyah, Hugo Diba, I Nyoman Gede M. P., M. Cahyo Novianto, M. Nanda Widyarta, Mitu M. Prie, Rezki Dikaputera, Tiyok Prasetyoadi, dan banyak orang lainnya. Ditunggu untuk peluncuran per-order buku kami, dan ditunggu juga untuk acara bedah buku yang akan dilakukan OMAH Library. Pre order buku "#2 Sustainable Architecture: Never Ending Dialogue in Strange Architecture Library" seharga Rp150.000,- dapat dipesan melalui link: bit.ly/OrderOMAH atau hubungi (WA): +62 81517970213 Terima kasih Restless Spirit!
Congratulations to Sheraton Belitung Resort for earning the EDGE Advanced Certification for Post Construction Stage! Focusing specifically on the post-construction phase, this certification ensures that the building meets high standards for energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of environmentally friendly materials as it becomes operational. This remarkable achievement reflects a steadfast commitment to environmental responsibility and sets a new standard in sustainable hospitality. https://lnkd.in/gWV75ZgT
On June 4, 2024, Nityasa had the opportunity to share its experience in successfully facilitating the Greenship Interior Space Certification during a Coffee Morning event. This event was organized by the Office Management Working Group of SKK Migas, under the theme of Green Office Management. Thank you to all who participated and made this event a success!
Ikatan Ahli Bangunan Hijau Indonesia (IABHI), in collaboration with IAI Jakarta, held a webinar on May 30, 2024, with the theme of Green Architecture in High-Rise Buildings. One of the speakers was Dian Fitria, Director of PT Ganitri Nityasa Harita, who shared her experience in guiding Net Zero Carbon Building in high-rise buildings in Jakarta.
Nityasa was invited as a speaker at the PT Kereta Api Indonesia Safety Series Webinar. The event was held online on May 22, 2024. Attended by colleagues from PT KAI across Indonesia, the webinar carried the theme of Green Building. Thank you, PT Kereta Api Indonesia, for inviting Nityasa to be part of this valuable event in sustainability.
Green buildings are more than just structures; they're a testament to reduce carbon footprint and minimize impacts on the environment. From planning and construction to daily operations and maintenance, green buildings prioritize energy efficiency, water conservation, and the responsible use of materials. Building that recieved EDGE Certification shows its impact in carbon reduction. Not only for the immediate impact but also for the future. By embracing the principles of resources efficiency, the building is not only having benefit in lower operational cost but also contributing to a healthier planet by having lower operational emission. Congratulations to Artha Graha Building and the entire team involved in this remarkable achievement! Let's continue to build a greener, more sustainable future. Want to know more about the achievement? Read the news down below: https://lnkd.in/gC_h8Cbg
The Greenship New Building certification presents a significant challenge for building owners in demonstrating their commitment to implementing green building practices. This certification not only includes criteria covering the design and construction phases but also has criteria that prepare new buildings for the occupancy phase. Therefore, for buildings that have obtained the Greenship New Building certification, their performance reliability for entering the occupancy phase is assured. Congratulations to Graha Paramita 2! https://lnkd.in/gaSrHQEC