Canadian oil and gas company ReconAfrica’s reckless actions continue to threaten the delicate balance of Namibia’s ecosystems and the livelihoods of its people. As the company continues its oil and gas exploration in one of Earth's most biodiverse regions, the environmental and social threats are mounting. Stand by local communities and sign the petition:
Our friends over at SOUL (Saving Okavango's Unique Life), along with the Economic and Social Justice Trust, have released a powerful new report, "Broken Trust: How A Canadian Driller Profits By Exploiting Namibian Laws and Communities." It exposes how ReconAfrica obtained its recent Environmental Clearance Certificate through misleading claims. Here are a few of ReconAfrica's unethical practices detailed in the report:
1-Biodiversity at Risk: The Okavango River Basin is home to iconic species from lions and giraffes to the world’s largest populations of African Wild Dogs and imperiled Savanna Elephants. ReconAfrica's irresponsible activities threaten the habitat, availability of clean water, and lives of the Okavango's wildlife.
2-Corruption: Jay Park, former executive director of ReconAfrica, is linked to a pattern of corruption and unethical practices. He has worked with countries to write their oil and gas legislation and then profits on those laws.
3-Exploitation of Local Communities: ReconAfrica falsely claimed to work with local conservancies like Kapinga Kamwalye and George Mukoya in wildlife monitoring, yet these conservancies said there has not been any collaboration with the oil company. The company bulldozed protected community land without permission, violating both Namibian and international laws.
4-Deflection of Criticism: ReconAfrica, led by CEO Brian Reinsborough, has been dismissive of concerns raised by environmentalists and local communities, often deflecting valid criticisms and denying the company's environmental threats in the region. His attitude signals a lack of transparency and accountability.
5-Mufeiti’s Unlikely Alliance: Timoteus Mufeiti, a powerful political figure in Nabmia, has shown strong ties to ReconAfrica. His motivations remain unclear, raising questions about his prioritization of corporate interests over the well-being of his people and the environment.
This situation demands urgent attention to protect the Okavango River Basin, local communities, and the region’s biodiversity.
#SavetheOkavango #okavango #reconafrica