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KICK-OFF of the #FITT-NESS project in Porto📣 These last two days were rich and engaging while we kicked-off this new project: FITT-NESS – Fostering Innovation and the Twin Transition for Inclusive Environments and Smart Homes FITT-NESS started this month and was now officially launched at a partner meeting nicely hosted by the Universidade do Porto, on 28-29 November, which included a networking event, the FITT-NESS Community Workshop, where I shared outputs and insights from SIRENE, NET4Age-Friendly and the #DESIRE projects. SHINE 2Europe is leading WP2 on Capacity Building and Training in this new project coordinated by Universidade do Porto - Elísio Costa, with partners APIMA - Associação Portuguesa das Indústrias de Mobiliário e Afins (Portugal), CETEM - Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera and AMUEBLA (Spain), FederlegnoArredo and CEIPES ETS (Italy) and F6S (Ireland). This multidisciplinary team provides the essential knowledge and expertise to ensure FITT-NESS successfully impacts the furniture sector with cutting-edge practices and technologies - and having good working friends involved always help!! Over the next two years, the project aims to create new business opportunities and equip furniture for companies for a digital and green transition, focusing on promoting smart homes, age-friendly environments, and sustainable/eco-housing. Key activities include mapping and analysing capabilities, market trends, challenges, opportunities, and barriers in the furniture sector across the consortium’s four regions; upskilling the workforce; providing comprehensive advisory and business support services; and strengthening connections within regional innovation ecosystems. FITT-NESS is financed by the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument. Juliana Louceiro Natália Machado Inês Saavedra luis dias Joana Carrilho Francisco José Melero Muñoz María Sánchez Melero Alessia Di Francesca Vittorio Riponi Robert Carroll Ana Sofia Rodrigues Sofia Esteves Gualter Morgado Chiara Terraneo