Harrison Spinks hempcrete internal dividing wall for Tetrim Teas new Tea processor plant in Trimsaran, Carmarthenshire. This exposed finish will share the story to visitors about this unique material at the Goods In Zone 👌 Tetrim Teas Wellspring Agriculture Harrison Spinks John Horsfield
Wellspring Construction
Agriculture, Construction, Mining Machinery Manufacturing
Inspiring construction delivered
About us
Wellspring Construction offers professional services delivering innovative construction. Our team of professionals in partnership with our contracting team are focused on delivering efficient, future construction at scale.
- Industry
- Agriculture, Construction, Mining Machinery Manufacturing
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2020
We had a great time with Tetrim Teas on Saturday talking all things #hempcrete and drinking amazing #tea! Diolch yn fawr for the invite Mari Arthur! Pierre Grigorian David Watkins Jacob Dent Rhiannon Fielder-Hobbs #newlife #cymru #food #sustainableconstruction
Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for our Trimsaran Community Hempcrete Day at the old Miners Welfare Hall (soon to be Trimsaran Food Centre) today. And thanks to Wellspring Homes for the hempcrete demonstration. It was really, really interesting. This sustainable renovation has been funded by UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund and Supported by Carmarthenshire County Council. ********** Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb a ymunodd â ni ar gyfer ein Diwrnod Cywarch Cymunedol Trimsaran yn hen Neuadd Les y Glowyr (Canolfan Fwyd Trimsaran yn fuan). A diolch i Wellspring Homes ar gyfer yr arddangosiad hempcrete. Roedd yn ddiddorol iawn, iawn.wedi Wedi ei ariannu gan Llywodraeth y DU a'i chefnogi gan Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin #hemp #hempcrete #sustainable #build #renovation #circulareconomy #TetrimTeas #ethical #community #business #Trimsaran #SirGar Amanda Lloyd Mari Arthur Pierre Grigorian Hadleigh Hobbs Derek Walker Peter Davies Joseph Kidd Edward Evans Edward Morgan Justin John FENELLA BANNING Aled Vaughan Owen
This Saturday...come and hear all about hempcrete construction, retrofit and have a go using this unique material 🤩🥳🪴
INVITATION - Community Hempcrete Day – children welcome Saturday 9th November - 10am Trimsaran Miners Welfare Hall (Back entrance) SA17 4AA Tetrim Teas will be holding a Community Hempcrete Day as we are using this innovative material as part of the refurbishment of the Trimsaran Miners’ Welfare Hall. If you are interested in learning more about Hempcrete as a sustainable method of construction, join us for an overview by Wellspring, our construction team. The talk will be followed by a demonstration and refreshments. Both adults & children are welcome. To book a place please contact mari@tetrimteas.cymru ******************************** Funded by UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund and Supported by Carmarthenshire County Council. #sustainable #Construction #community #assets #sustainability #hempcrete #tetrimteas #Trimsaran #SirGar #Building Hadleigh Hobbs Franck Banza Katie Hathaway Robert Firth Calvin Jones Afallen Pierre Grigorian Carmarthenshire County Council Kelly Stockwell Carys Mair Thomas
Internal walls almost done...it's nearly hemp o clock! #hempcrete #commercial #retrofit #netzero #sustainableconstruction #regeneration Tetrim Teas new HQ
Great site meeting with Mari Arthur of Tetrim Teas at their new HQ in Trimsaran. Roofing is started and we're not far from #retrofit #hempcreting on the inside. Tetrim Teas are restoring a derelict building, using natural materials and creating a new boost to the local economy with their manufacturing facility! Aberystwyth University Carmarthenshire County Council Construction Construction News Cynnal Cymru - Sustain Wales Business Wales - Busnes Cymru
Sheep's wool all tucked up on our latest Ywen for MWD architects + makers Love the stained window reveals Mark Waghorn 😍 #cabins #musicstudio #carmarthernshire #sheepswool #ywen
Tickets have just gone on sale for our inaugural hempcrete training in September at Canolfan Tywi Centre. It's going to be a fun hands on day learning about and building with hempcrete. There are only 10 spaces available. We have 1 #free ticket available for anyone under the age of 25 or over 60. If you or someone you know fits that age range and is interested in future construction and natural materials send a one liner about why you/they should receive the ticket to info@wellspringhomes.co.uk. Wellspring Homes Wellspring Agriculture #hempcrete #futureconstruction #tradesmatter #constructioneducation #keeplearning #sustainablefuture #hemp
We built our #hemp site office over 18 months ago...left it part rendered to see how it endures the "severe" #welsh rain This morning it's still standing proud, intact and internally not a sign of moisture penetration! #data delivers #knowledge. Sometimes #simpleconstruction is the best. If you need a natural, #siteoffice that locks up CO2 give us a call! #hempcrete #futureconstruction #innovate #naturalmaterials #materialscience
Sustainable construction delivered. #colab IndiNature MWD architects + makers #hempfibre #climatepositive #futurebuild #OPD #modular #MMC