September marks #RuralRoadSafetyMonth, an important campaign focusing on the specific challenges faced on rural and remote roads. Despite the lower population, almost two-thirds (64%) of last year's recorded fatalities across Australia occurred on regional roads.
This year's campaign message is 'Help sow the seeds of change. Road safety starts with you!' This message emphasises each road user's responsibility to make safer choices on and around the road, which is particularly relevant to us at Greening Australia.
Our choices today pave the way for a safer future. It's not just about awareness; by making smarter choices and taking safer actions, we can reduce the risks on our roads, given our risk profile and exposure to regional driving across the country.
Let's work together to emphasise the importance of road safety, promote a culture of safety across our communities, and ensure that every journey on our rural roads is safe. Watch the ARSF video below and share it across as many platforms as possible!
Every road, every journey, every choice matters. This Rural Road Safety Month, let’s come together to make a difference.
Respect the road and choose safety on every journey.
#chooseroadsafety #sowtheseeds #ruralroadsafety #rrsm2024
Community Partnerships Manager, Auckland Transport
2wThanks for sharing and fantastic to see that outside of NZ, similar conclusions are being made to those that have started shaping our programmes with communities over the last couple of years both here in Tamaki and also alongside our collegues in various regions and districts across Aotearoa. Reassuring for many and Laura articulated it so well.