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Great video about difference between a motivation and a habit. Motivation has a short span, while habit is a permanent thing. It takes time to create a habit and that's why we need our discipline. When you have clear WHY, it goes easily! Inspiration 🌱 Psychology 💚 Mindset #englishwithmoni
Keynote speaker, motivátor, trenér, kouč, mentor, konzultant v Garnet Peers®, spoluautor online kurzů
Proč tak často ztrácíme motivaci nebo pevnou vůli? Pojďme se na to podívat. #peterurbanec #motivace #sebedisciplina #uspech #cil
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MULTI-PURPOSE 🛠️ = HIGHER EFFICIENCY ⬆️ = QUALITY MAINTENANCE 🚧 = BETTER ROADS 💪 Thanks to municipal technology with replaceable attachments, we are able to carry out planned maintenance continuously. The NOREMAT VSV utility tool carrier is fitted with a head with cutting discs in the video above. The tree trimming was carried out in order to ensure the passable height above the road, and to minimize the number of branches, which can cause complications during snowfalls in winter, when broken pieces threaten the traffic.
👷 OREZY DREVÍN 🌳 Počas vegetatívneho pokoja sme realizovali viacero plánovaných orezov drevín presahujúcich nad jazdné pruhy z dôvodu zabezpečenia bezpečnosti a plynulosti premávky. Stredisko údržby SCBSK Pezinok disponuje špeciálnym vozidlom komunálnej údržby NOREMAT VSV, s integrovaným pracovným ramenom na ktorom je osadená píla.
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Earlier this week, I narrowly avoided a collision with a motorbike, an experience that left me feeling shaken and apprehensive. Reflecting on this close call, my mind turned to a project I recently completed , that I dubbed “Pikipiki Manenoz," which centered around motorbike safety. Drawing upon principles of human-centered design and the socio-ecological model, this project explored interventions aimed at addressing the pervasive issue of motorbike accidents. Looking forward, I now recognize the potential impact of the strategies proposed in the project. Despite the chaos and sadness often associated with motorbike accidents, I believe there are opportunities for effective intervention and control. Do you think there is? Here is a link to the project slides Institute of Design and Innovation Kanana Pauline
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One of my favorite authors from INESS - Institute of Economic and Social Studies just released English version of his book. Progress without permission is about the clash of 21st century digital technologies with the world of 20th century institutions. Link: #progress #without #permission
Moje deti majú deti. Druhé vnúča Pokroku bez povolenia je na svete. Nezabudnite poslať zvesť všetkým anglicky hovoriacim známym, ktorí si ho mali, ale nemohli prečítať. Link: Špeciálna vďaka patrí pôrodnému asistentovi Juraj Bednar.
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Undertaken to INCORPORATE II: Committed to INCORPORATE II: (Edited and Improved on March 18, 2024) Given the serious problem of bone fragility, work traffic accidents and domestic falls, I propose to include Patented Images (IP), in the different dairy products that are they market. Using IP that evoke vivid satisfactory memories of childhood, adolescence, youth and adulthood, rooted in the subconscious and that instinctively (reaction without the need for thought) provoke the desire to take the product and pressing the container activates the band. sound that induces placing it in the "cart". The model image refers to historical cultural aspects created by humans from prehistory to the 21st century. Each country has its own cultural ideosyncrasy so the audio will be adjusted in a "sui generis" way. Model audio:
El lechero
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Bula Solesau community, 👋 the Soleitovo Module has many lessons 📑on identification and getting to know your self and your kinship. Here is a brief introduction 💻 into the lessons ahead and the activities we will have every week. 🎙So stay tuned and get ready to learn with is. 🎯Click here to watch the introduction to the Module: #SolesauFijianLearning #SolevosaModule #Solesau #LearningFun #LearnWithSolesau #FijianLanguage
Soleitovo Na iKau
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When it comes to mezcals, the "Denomination of Origin of Mezcal" is proof of the unique flavor of the same. Find out more about this title that some states in Mexico have and what makes their mezcals so special. Denominación de Origen – COMERCAM (
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TOITU TE TIRITI Tauiwi response to Designing Our Constitution (Auckland University, April 2-4, 2024) hui - the most recent iteration of the work Māori are leading and doing in constitutional transformation in Aotearoa. A brief response capturing 10 key learnings from the conference has been prepared by a tauiwi attendee, for tauiwi. Anei etahi atu: 5. Te Reo Māori revitalisation is “a challenge to colonial authority... to colonial power.” Te Reo Māori has been seen by Pākehā and the Crown as “a challenge to colonial authority... it was interpreted as a challenge to colonial power – a challenge to the power to render us invisible in our own land” (Dale Takitimu). Te Reo rejuvenation is clearly a backdrop to constitutional transformation and growing Māori political authority – it always has been and always will be. 6. The politicisation of teaching history in schools is white superiority in action The politicisation of teaching history remains an attempt to maintain white superiority. It is being challenged with increasing voracity as te Reo Māori rejuvenates and whanau and hapū rangatiratanga expands. Resisting teaching history upholds white superiority. Learning history helps us learn to discern fact from fiction, and to understand ourselves as a nation. “If you were the New Zealand government the last thing you would want is for young New Zealanders to have the ability to discern fact from fiction... they would revolt against you!” (Dale Takitimu) 7. Non-Māori New Zealanders/tauiwi know almost nothing about our constitution During 2023 workshops among over 250 tauiwi participants less than 5% felt able to talk about our constitution for more than 1 minute. How can tauiwi have constitutional conversation when we don’t have the words? Critical constitutional issues and ideas are constantly before us. With tauiwi largely bereft of capacity in this korero, politicised messaging reaches far into communities causing harm. Real growth and learning is required in this korero so tauiwi can come to it with real competence. :)
Toitū Te Tiriti
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Proud that Czechia, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic joined the initiative of the Sweden in EU delegation and nine other member states proposing a long-term approach to state-aid instead of the current short-term relaxation measures. #EU #stateaid #competitiveness #competition
Témata dnešního jednání Rady pro konkurenceschopnost: ➡ posilování vnitřního trhu ➡ budoucnost evropského průmyslu ➡ pravidla veřejné podpory ℹ
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Thank you all that came to our Roundtable on Rental Housing yesterday. It seems that for the first time speakers and participants from all sides (Ministry of Regional Development, M of Finance, M of Social Affairs, Tenants' Union, developers, owners of rental housing, Czech banking association) agreed on one key item: to address the housing affordability issue, we need to build more. And to build more we need stable regulatory environment, efficient planning, more institutional capital, some incentives. There are indeed recent initiatives (SFPI affordable housing program) and new legislation in the pipeline (un-block pension funds' investment into housing) that go in the right direction. See you next autumn with hopefully a number of these inititiaves being progressed. For our Rental Housing Association position paper, please see on this link:
Dnešní Kulatý stůl bydlení 2024 v Domě RADOST přinesl spoustu výzev, zajímavých statistik, inspirativních myšlenek i nových spojenectví. A naše asociace představila Strategii nájemního bydlení 2025+.Cestu si za námi našlo mnoho významných hostů. Díky za čas všech, kteří přišli.
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