Response-ability, indeed 🙏 If everyone takes #care of themselves and their neighbor, everyone is taken care of. Thank you for sharing this beautiful reminder on #sustainability, Louis De Jaeger! 🙌🏻 Concepts like #circulareconomy, #sharingeconomy, preservation of #biodiversity and many others, can help us get there. Check the excellent work by Elin Bergman Vojtech Vosecky Harald Friedl Oliver Dauert
🌳 Food Forest & Landscape Designer 🚜 Award-winning filmmaker & Author 👉 Commensalist & Eat More Trees & Food Forest Institute 🌏 40u40
Please don't feel guilty. It's not a very helpful emotion. Feel responsible, but not for all the problems in the world. Feel responsible because you have the power to be the change, and not using this power is not taking up responsibility. You cannot imagine how powerful you are. There is so much potential in you alone. You wouldn't believe it, but it is true. That is what gives hope! If everyone would take up this responsibility just for one day even, most of the world's problems would be solved in a very short period of time. You can do it, go for it! #regenerative #landscapedesign #landscapearchitecture #agroecology #regenerativefarming #agroforestry #farming #tuin #tuinarchitectuur #permaculture #voedselbos #nature
Thanks Aladár! 🙏😊
Thanks for the mention ▫️Aladár Tepelea. We have a great responsibility, but I believe in us that we can rise to the challenge!
Love this!
highly gifted | highly sensitive | exaggerator
4mo▫️Aladár Tepelea thx for the 'Response-ability' I had never looked at the words in that way.