"The Latine community represents nearly 20% of the total U.S. population, yet only 2% of U.S. foundation funding goes to Latine-serving institutions." This #HispanicHeritageMonth, turn your appreciation into action. Thank you to Malenie Areché Rodriguez and Paola Kim for co-authoring this blog with me, and to the Tides #Latine #ERG members for voting on the content and grantees. This blog is truly from the heart... and from the Tides Latine ERG. Para la comunidad. -- A preview: Latine-led, Latine-serving nonprofits are the heartbeat of many of these diverse communities, where they play a crucial role in advancing social justice by driving transformative change, fostering cultural pride, and addressing unique challenges with cultural competence. Despite their profound impact, they frequently operate on limited budgets. Not only are fewer dollars going to Latine-serving institutions, but there are few Latines making decisions within philanthropy: fewer than 4% of Latinos serve as trustees at foundations and fewer than 3% are CEOs. This Hispanic Heritage Month, as we celebrate the rich tapestry of Latine culture and its contributions to the world, we call on funders to transform appreciation into action. By increasing support for Latine-led and Latine-serving organizations, we can help bridge the funding gap and make a difference. These contributions will honor the legacy of Latine heritage and empower those who work at the forefront taking care of these communities. And we call on funders to offer support that goes beyond Hispanic Heritage Month, as it is continuous support which will allow these organizations them to build the capacity needed to provide their services over the long term. To get you started, we’ve curated a list of Latine-led, Latine-serving organizations making an impact in two of Tides’ core focus areas: advancing civic engagement and building a pro-immigrant future. Keep reading here: https://lnkd.in/g4YRcXJ3
This Hispanic Heritage Month, we're calling on funders to transform appreciation into action. Here are 7 groups getting out the vote in Latine communities and building pro-immigrant futures — plus 11 more regional/state-specific organizations who also deserve your support.