Key Points in Sage's recent article regarding perspectives from #patient #focusgroups on #patientexperience in #clinicaltrials: •#Patientcentricity is critical in facilitating trust and #patientengagement during #clinicaltrials. •#Patients enrolled in #clinicaltrials want to be asked about their experience. •Regular and frequent communication with #patients should occur, even after trial completion. •#Patientcentric resources, for example, user-friendly technology, transportation, and on-site support, can impact #patientexperience. Savvy Cooperative, Press Ganey, PG Forsta
The exchange of social capital between a patient and care team is important to driving positive patient experiences during any hospital visit. The same is true for clinical trials. Learn about the critical role of patient centricity in clinical trials and the barriers faced, including access and uncertainty, in “There was No Opportunity to Express Good or Bad," from the Journal of Patient Experience. Join Elizabeth Sternke, Ph.D., David Tite, and Kristopher Morgan in the conversation around the need for regular communication to enhance the overall trial experience. Read the full publication below ⬇