I've spent the last year researching civic terms like democracy, patriotism, community, racial equity, and more. Americans have very interesting perceptions to and relationships with them. These words are the micro-currency of connection and division, IMO, and we're trading in it everyday. It's critical we understand the signals they send. Come hear more tomorrow at my interview with the Chronicle of Philanthropy. (Also, power pose says "I've got something to say" and hair tie on the wrist says "but don't forget I'm a mom of three ready to get into it at a moment's notice.")
Do words like “community,” “diversity,” and “democracy” bring us together or possibly divide us? Join us as the Chronicle's senior editor Drew Lindsay talk with Amy McIsaac about her research into how do average Americans feel about language that is commonplace in nonprofit vernacular. Sign up to hear their live conversation on October 30 at 12:30 p.m. ET over on LinkedIn. 🎟 The event is free. Registration is required to watch. 🎟 https://bit.ly/3CenpJG About McIsaac: She leads a project at Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE) that studies how civic language describing our values, ideals, and practices can motivate people or turn them off. About the series: The Commons in Conversation is a series of exclusive, one-on-one conversations with national and local leaders working to strengthen a fractured America. Chronicle editors and writers will host individuals from across the country in casual lunchtime discussions about what it will take to bring Americans together. Guests will talk about ideas and promising solutions and how the philanthropic world — from major philanthropists to everyday nonprofit leaders — can contribute. Read more at: philanthropy.com/commons
Not gonna lie, noticed the hair tie even before reading your post 😂 Congrats, you are amazing! 👏🏼
Very cool, can't wait to read it.
Brilliant mind + Mom energy = Best fueled power pose ever! Love it!!
Congrats, Amy!!
Social Impact Leader | Founder, Move for America | Fundraising & Communications Consulting
2moI refer to Amy's Civic Language Perceptions at least weekly...probably daily. It's important. We need to know how to reach each other and hear each other. Your research advances our ability to do so. Way to go Amy! Keep it up.