⭐️ Feedback on BioFIT France 2024 ⭐️ I had the privilege of being part of the CNRS Innovation team at BioFIT France 2024 in Lille on December 3rd and 4th, where I actively represented our mission and expertise. 🚀 This premier event brought together a diverse ecosystem, including leaders from pharma, biotech, and life sciences 🏭, academic partners 🎓, startups 🌟, venture capitalists 💸, technology transfer offices (TTOs) 🔬, service providers, and various organizations. Over two inspiring days, I participated in insightful talks on innovation, entrepreneurship, startups, technology transfer, and investment strategies. 💡 I also engaged in valuable discussions, exploring potential collaborations, licensing opportunities, and partnerships. 🤝 It was an honor to contribute to CNRS Innovation’s presence and connect with key stakeholders on such a dynamic platform! 🌍 #BioFIT2024 #Innovation #LifeSciences #Biotech #Pharma #Startups #Entrepreneurship #TechnologyTransfer #TTO #VentureCapital #LicensingOpportunities #Collaboration #CNRSInnovation #OpenInnovation #Investments #ResearchToMarket #TechTransfer
Proud of you! 👏🏻
Project Manager | Digital Marketer | Social Media Manager | Biologist | Climate, Education & Sustainability Advocate | Founder & Executive Organizer at Together We Can and Horra
3wExciting, best of luck 😍