NURSERY UPDATE - Swainsona Recta (Purple Pea) Recently, our Environment team has been working on something very special in our nursery. After careful seed collection, planting, and nurturing, they have successfully grown more than 10 Small-Purple Pea plants (Swainsona recta) with four currently flowering in our hardening off area. Swainsona recta is a small, perennial herb that grows up to 30 cm tall. It has very narrow leaflets and produces sprays of flowers that bloom on erect stems between late September and early December. Its conservation status is classified as "Endangered" in New South Wales under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act) and at a Commonwealth level under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Bowdens Silver was granted a threatened species license under the BC Act allowing collection of seeds from Swainsona recta located on Bowdens Silver land. Collection was completed in accordance with the license conditions generally following the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage (2011) Conservation Management Notes Seed Collecting and the Flora Bank (2021) Flora Bank Guidelines Module 6 - Seed Collection. Seeds were collected using a ‘seed trap’ method where organza bags are placed over the immature seed head allowing all seed once mature to drop into the bag. This method enabled an accurate count of the seeds, ensuring that any excess could be retained in their original locations. Trials of growing methods have been ongoing with varying degrees of success. This year’s plants, which were germinated in a seedling tray and transplanted into larger pots, have grown vigorously and are currently flowering! It is hoped that they will provide seed for future propagation, allowing for easy seed collection and reducing the need to harvest from the wild population. Bowdens is committed to continuing these efforts to bolster the local population of this remarkable plant. Our long-term plans include reintroduction of these plants back into their natural habitat within our biodiversity offset areas. These areas will be actively managed and maintained ensuring their preservation for environmental purposes in perpetuity. Pictured: Swainsona Recta (Purple Pea) Week 12, Week 15, Week 20 #swainsonarecta #purplepea #nursery #biodiversityoffset #seedlings #bowdenssilver
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Wow, fantastic effort to the environment team 👏
Principal Environmental Consultant at R.W. Corkery & Co.
3moWow! Well done to the enviro team. A lot of hard work has gone into those plants. Leonie Armstrong you should be super proud