Poorly handled transitions can be a major drain on your company's bottom line. But it doesn't have to be this way. In our latest Snack BOxD Digest, we dive deep into the art of navigating executive transitions. Learn about the risks, why they're trickier than they seem, and key moves to ensure a smooth transition.
Did you know...? ◾ 50-70% of executives fail within the first 18 months of a new role ◾ Transitions can negatively impact the bottom line by 10-20% in replacement costs and lost productivity Executive transitions are critical turning points not just for the leaders themselves but for the entire organization. They're always a little bumpy, but when handled well, they can be a major boost to morale and performance. When not well thought out and clumsily executed, they hurt far more than just the incoming leader. The October issue of the Snack BOxD Digest, Beyond Shuffling Chairs: Nailing Executive Transitions, breaks down: 1. The risks inherent with these transitions 2. Why they're trickier than they appear 3. Key moves to navigate them smoothly 4. How to seize the opportunity for teams and the organization Whether you're going through the transition yourself or managing it, dive into the full article for actionable insights that will broaden your approach to executive transitions. #Leadership #ExecutiveTransitions #OrganizationalCulture #SnackBOxD