The topic of sustainability has finally arrived at various levels, not only in terms of materials, carbon footprint, etc., but also in terms of post-consumer recycling. And DPP is also a suitable tool for this. Thanks Cristina Di Maria for contributing to this publication. #sustainability #recycling #REDUCE #reuse #repair #supplychain #dpp
📢The third part of our POLICY BRIEF series !! 👏This time, our partner dss⁺focus the report on recycling in the context of the DPP ✔️In a clear language ✔️For all audiences ✔️To understand the context of the DPP 👉Take it! ✨CIRCTHREAD PARTNERS: UNI Ente Italiano di Normazione, Aarhus University, Altroconsumo, Atos, BUILT ENVIRONMENT COMMONS, Bosch Italia, CEGASA Energía , S.L.U., Comet Global Innovation, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Domusa Teknik | Calderas de calefacción, ACS y climatización, ECOS, EcoWise Ltd, Ekodenge Inc., Erion, Hisense Gorenje Austria GmbH, IDP Ingeniería, Medio ambiente y Arquitectura, Irish Manufacturing Research, Grupo Otua, #INESCTEC, Mondragon Assembly Group, MONDRAGON Corporation, OCU, Onyx Solar Energy, REYDESA RECYCLING SL, SabancıDx, SIMAVI Software Imagination & Vision, SISTRADE, SkyLabs d.o.o., dss⁺, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Surovina, WEEE Forum, ZEOS, d.o.o. #circulareconomy #circthread #openaccess #reusereducerecycle #H2020 #euronews #DPP #DigitalProductPassport #event #recycling #disassembly #EUCommission