The is now live! This groundbreaking Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is the first of its kind in Switzerland to bring together professionals from all child-related fields to focus on children’s rights. With contributions from over 80 experts, 40+ partner organizations, and numerous children. The course is available in Switzerland's three official languages (🇫🇷, 🇩🇪, 🇮🇹) and consists of six specialized thematic modules: Module 1: Introduction to Children’s Rights Module 2: Child Protection Module 3: Children’s Rights and Justice Module 4: Children’s Rights and Education Module 5: Children’s Rights in Healthcare Module 6: Children’s Rights, Alternative Care & Out-of-Home Placement In addition to national experts, each module includes insights from international specialists, including members of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and Special Rapporteurs. Join us in advancing knowledge and practice around children's rights in a global context. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from leading professionals in the field. 🌐 Access our site here: 🔗 Register freely here: Led by the trio: Institut International des Droits de l'Enfant (IDE), Terre des hommes foundation, Centre interfacultaire en droits de l’enfant (CIDE) - UNIGE 🙏 Special thanks to: Philip D. Jaffé, Jean Zermatten, Lyka Cissé, Yann Colliou, Claudia Cordes, Coline Dequaire, Petros Raitsidis, kevin feuz, Michelle Cottier, Mia Dambach, Zoe Moody, and Roberta Ruggiero. Thanks also to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office FSO, Loterie Romande and other #financialpartners
This course looks fascinating!! Are there any plans to run an English version in the future?
Let’s hope because right now there huge children right abuse in Geneva by the state itself and the judges as there is no separation of powers between the executive and judicial, …they just don’t moove The Federal Assembly — The Swiss Parliament Institut international des droits de l'Homme et de la paix Institut International des Droits de l'Enfant (IDE) Terre des hommes foundation UNICEF UNICEF Belgium @
Special thanks to our experts: AYOUBI-IDRISSI Hynd Hynd, Nigel Cantwell, Yann Colliou, Michelle Cottier, Gaëlle Droz (-Sauthier), Dr. iur., Patrick Fassbind, Thomas Gabriel, Ersilia Gianella, Philip D. Jaffé, Regina Jensdottir, UN SRSG on Violence Against Children, Zoe Moody, Christian Nanchen, Sabine Rakotomalala, Daniela Reimer, Roberta Ruggiero, Jonas Schubert, ROLF Widmer, Jean Zermatten
Can I sign up without being a student of any of the institutions yet?
In collaboration with: Kanton Bern, Amnesty International, Association ESPAS, AGAPÉ, Association Genevoise d’Actions Préventives et Éducatives, Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Etat de Fribourg - Staat Freiburg, CHUV | Lausanne university hospital, Child Identity Protection (CHIP), Stiftung IdéeSport, ZHAW Soziale Arbeit, Integras Fachverband Sozial- und Sonderpädagogik, Kanton Basel-Stadt, kibesuisse, Kinderanwaltschaft Schweiz, Kinderschutz Schweiz, Netzwerk Kinderrechte Schweiz | Réseau suisse des droits de l'enfant, Careleaver Schweiz, Service social international - Suisse (SSI), University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Terre des Hommes Suisse, Lern- und Begegnungszentrum tipiti, UNICEF, Université de Fribourg - Universität Freiburg, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, AsyLex, Heilpädagogisches Zentrum Hagendorn, Pro Juventute, ASPI - Fondazione della Svizzera Italiana per l'Aiuto, il Sostegno e la Protezione dell'Infanzia, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.