Dr Shani Hartley’s Post

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Senior Research Specialist at The Evidence Institute (AISNSW)

AARE 2024 Conference Day 1: The Big Picture I have been working for AISNSW for over two years now and I am still amazed about the diversity of the schools in the sector. All the different faiths, the varying philosophies of education, the special needs and special assistance schools, plus all their different sizes, locations and communities, emphasise the importance of context when discussing anything related to schools. Day 1 of the AARE 2024 Conference strengthened my focus on considering context in my own research and when I help teachers undertake research and examine data. The presentations I attended today also reinforced my resistance of the input-output model of education,as if all students and situations were the same, not valuing the multiple ever-changing factors affecting teachers’ decision making every minute of a school day. For instance, as much as teachers might program a series of lessons to maximise students’ achievement of outcomes, there are always surprises in store for how the lessons actually turn out, meeting, exceeding or falling short of expectations. To steal from Wayne Sawyer’s Keynote presentation, and I believe he was referencing Prof Joanne Reid (2013), a program is a domain of possibilities, not certainties, and never can be. Education is a very human endeavour and humans are messy. Context was my core focus this year and will probably be at the heart of 2025 too. Purpose was my 2023 theme. Every time I hear someone say a certain teaching approach is successful, I wonder about the measurement of success and the purpose behind the measurement. Because sometimes, a lot of the time, I think we have defined success and the purpose of education as the achievement of marks instead of what the marks are meant to represent and that what the marks represent does not, cannot, capture everything that a school education entails. Borrowing again from Wayne Sawyer, curriculum is about building students’ knowledge but it should also help to shine a light on the world, build an understanding of human experience, a process of recognition and re-cognition through classroom interactions. #AARE2024

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