When your Truck Drivers are happy, the more likely they stay long-term. Here's the truth about retention that many bosses overlook Retaining quality Truck Drivers is much easier and cost-effective than finding new ones to hire. Why? I'm glad you asked, let me explain. When recruiting new Drivers, you're competing with all the other trucking companies and hoping they will choose your company. The cost of recruiting Truck Drivers includes: - The time and effort to post ads online - Following up with candidates - Outsourcing to recruitment agencies - Orientation - Driver training - Missed revenue when trucks are sitting in the yard looking cute We all know these costs could add up very quickly. When you focus more on retaining your current Drivers, you're not competing with other companies, it's just you Vs them. When your Drivers are happy, they become your recruiting weapon on autopilot, mobilizing them to share how great your company is. Now recruiting Drivers becomes simple and effective, giving you a competitive advantage over your competitors. Why is it so effective? Well, allow me to let you in on a little secret. Truck Drivers will be more likely to trust their fellow Truck Drivers than anyone esle on your management team. … Even when met for the first time. If your Drivers are not referring other drivers to your company, could it be an indication of why you have a hard time finding good Truck Drivers that actually stay? Could it be that their level of happiness is on the low end? That could be a big problem, not only for you company but for the whole trucking industry. They say it’s National Truck Drivers Appreciation Week, which is an opportunity to show your hardworking Drivers some love for this week ...and throughout the year. What are you doing for hardworking Drivers this week? I'd love to hear. Off to the BIG D today and back to Toronto P.S. If recruiting/retaining Truck Drivers is challenging for you and you need guidance to overcome your challenges, send me a message and let's chat.
Absolutely spot on Elroy Whyte Investing in your current drivers is the smartest way to create long-term success 🙌
spot on Elroy Whyte happy drivers become your best recruiters, spreading the word about your company... focusing on driver satisfaction is the key to long-term success in the industry 💯
Driver safety, engagement and recognition
2moDriver recognition is an easy way to show your drivers you care about them. Awarding them for positive driver performance is a great way to boost those driving metrics, internal or telematics.