Jonathan Brooks’ Post

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Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Agricultural Economics

Honoured to participated along with six other agricultural and food economics journal editors in a #ICAE2024 panel on the future of publishing in agricultural economics. Major themes were further improving the diversity of representation in journals, both by gender and by country; ensuring strong ethical foundations; and improving the communication of research findings. In my own remarks I emphasised that our discipline is a "big tent" in terms of topic coverage, which extends to the most fundamental challenges facing the humanity: food security, nutrition, farmers' livelihoods, resource use, the environment and climate change. On the other hand, it is relatively focused, bringing the critical perspective of economics to these issues. We cannot find solutions without understanding how people respond to incentives, and without confronting the reality of difficult trade-offs across competing objectives. Unfortunately I see a big disconnect between insightful research at the academic "sharp end" and its uptake by policymakers. We can and must do a better job at narrowing that gap -- if not it will be filled by those proposing simplistic solutions that ignore the economic dimensions, are based on flimsy evidence, or reflect narrow political agendas. Most of the journals are -- like the JAE -- the organs of our professional societies. I believe that identity is an valuable asset for improving the impact of our research, so that new and robust insights work their way into the policy process. Thanks to my fellow panellists Sangeeta Bansal (Agricultural Economics); Jill McCluskey (American Journal of Agricultural Economic); Holly WANG (Food Policy); Jacob Ricker-Gilbert (Agricultural Economics); Paolo Sckokai (European Review of Agricultural Economics and Gopi Munisamy (Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy).

Ramesh Deshpande

Make India's Agriculture Efficient, Equitable and Environmentally Friendly


So true Dr Brooks. Many publications are highly theoretical, generally of a “old wine in a new bottle “ nature and of little relevance to field level conditions or of any value in terms of implementation. The new focus should be on developing multidisciplinary approaches to make the agri-food system more productive, climate resilient and sustainable. Many climate change programs tend to be ad hoc, and without any community involvement or commitment. i

Suryakumar P V S

I understand "Development" (at least a bit of it) and its enablers. I have been working to make it happen. Former Deputy Managing Director, NABARD.


Mr. Brooks, Agree to what you mentioned. Strangely it is (mostly) the “policy” people in the Government(s) who fund public universities & research and if the researchers don’t give what they can understand it is not a good communication. Every applied research must have a policy implication with pros and cons. Can we not do this?

Very appropriate remarks Jon, in particular the challenge in take up of academic research by the policy communities. An in depth and in breadth discussion of how to address this challenge is probably in order!

Balaji SJ

Fulbright Fellow - University of Georgia, Visiting Fellow - IFPRI, Scientist (Agricultural Economics) - ICAR-NIAP


It was a great session

Pratap Birthal

Director at National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research


In full agreement with your views Prof Jonathan

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