How would you evaluate your Play Quotient? or your 'Woo-hoo' Factor? How much time do you and your team put aside to intentionally relax, move your body, laugh, allow yourself to be silly, have fun, and for bonding and team-building? In a world fraught with overwhelm, anxiety, loneliness, frustration and tension, it is imperative that we ALL take time for some mental health PLAY-TIME to re-charge and re-learn how to find joy and happiness!
Happy International Day of Play! “You will learn more about a person in an hour play, than in a year of conversation." - Confucious The first-ever International Day of Play, to be observed this week, 11th June 2024, marks a significant milestone in efforts to preserve, promote, and prioritize playing so that all people, especially children, can reap the rewards and thrive to their full potential. Check out today’s Pinnacle Inspirations and E-news to learn more…