New data shows that 86% of people taking out a home loan trust brokers over lenders 🤝 Why? Well when you have a broker on your team you save time, money and effort. Plus, we provide so much choice and our clients know we work hard to secure them a solution that serves their best interests. Engaging a broker really is a no-brainer. Reach out to chat to us today. #MortgageBroker #HomeLoans #MortgageLender #PropertyFinance #RealEstateLoans #HomeBuyer #Refinance #FirstTimeHomeBuyer #MortgageAdvice #FinanceTips #InvestmentProperty #PropertyMarket #HomeOwnership #PropertyInvestment #HomeLoanRates #HomeBuyerTips #MortgageSpecialist #HomeFinance #LoanOptions #PropertySales #Loanscope
Jurad Blanusa’s Post
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New data shows that 86% of people taking out a home loan trust brokers over lenders 🤝 Why? Well when you have a broker on your team you save time, money and effort. Plus, we provide so much choice and our clients know we work hard to secure them a solution that serves their best interests. Engaging a broker really is a no-brainer. Reach out to chat to us today. #MortgageBroker #HomeLoans #MortgageLender #PropertyFinance #RealEstateLoans #HomeBuyer #Refinance #FirstTimeHomeBuyer #MortgageAdvice #FinanceTips #InvestmentProperty #PropertyMarket #HomeOwnership #PropertyInvestment #HomeLoanRates #HomeBuyerTips #MortgageSpecialist #HomeFinance #LoanOptions #PropertySales #Loanscope
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We get it, you're super eager for a home loan, but trust us: you don't want to spam lenders with home loan applications hoping for a 'Yes'. Applying for multiple credit facilities at once? It's a big no-no. Why, you ask? Because each application leaves a mark on your credit file, visible to all. If Bank A spots you flirting with Bank B, it's usually a hard pass from them. Chat with us first instead and we'll give you the inside scoop on what lenders really want. #MortgageBroker #HomeLoans #MortgageLender #PropertyFinance #RealEstateLoans #HomeBuyer #Refinance #FirstTimeHomeBuyer #MortgageAdvice #FinanceTips #InvestmentProperty #PropertyMarket #HomeOwnership #PropertyInvestment #HomeLoanRates #HomeBuyerTips #MortgageSpecialist #HomeFinance #LoanOptions #PropertySales #Loanscope
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We get it, you're super eager for a home loan, but trust us: you don't want to spam lenders with home loan applications hoping for a 'Yes'. Applying for multiple credit facilities at once? It's a big no-no. Why, you ask? Because each application leaves a mark on your credit file, visible to all. If Bank A spots you flirting with Bank B, it's usually a hard pass from them. Chat with us first instead and we'll give you the inside scoop on what lenders really want. #MortgageBroker #HomeLoans #MortgageLender #PropertyFinance #RealEstateLoans #HomeBuyer #Refinance #FirstTimeHomeBuyer #MortgageAdvice #FinanceTips #InvestmentProperty #PropertyMarket #HomeOwnership #PropertyInvestment #HomeLoanRates #HomeBuyerTips #MortgageSpecialist #HomeFinance #LoanOptions #PropertySales #Loanscope
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We get it, you're itching for a home loan, but trust us: you don't want to spam lenders with home loan applications hoping for a 'Yes'. Applying for multiple credit facilities at once? It's a big no-no. Why, you ask? Because each application leaves a mark on your credit file, visible to all. If lender A spots you flirting with lender B, it's usually a hard pass from them. Speak with us first instead and we'll give you the inside scoop on what lenders really want! 📲🏡 #bestinterestbrokers #mortgagebrokers #mortgage #broker #finance #interestrates #homeloans #businessloans #bridgingloans #constructionloans #smsfloans #equipmentfinance #personalloans #refinancing #purchasing #investing #homeownership #lendingexperts #northernbeachesmums #nswproperty #nswrealestate #goldcoastmums #qldrealestate #queenslandhomes #accountants
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There are many different types of real estate to invest in, but before you do, it's important to understand what type of property is right for you. If you make the wrong decision, you could wind up losing everything you've worked so hard for. DM me or click here to set up a consultation and let's go over what makes sense for you - #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyer #loanofficer #loans #mortgage #mortgageadvisor #valoans #cajomeloans #arizonahomeloans #idahohomeloans #experiancedloanofficer
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What not to do after applying for a home loan: #financecorp #perthmortgagebroker #mortgagebrokerfremantle #firsthomebuyer #mortgagebrokerinperth #buyingahome #refinance #mortgagebroker #mortgagebrokers#homeloans #perthproperty #perthpropertymarket #financebroker #perthrealestate #homebuyerswa
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Most Australians use a broker, not the bank, and here's why: 1. We're home loan professionals 2. We compare products from a range of lenders 3. We find the right solution based on your needs 4. We do the legwork for you 5. We work in your best interests Want to find out more? Get in touch for a no strings chat. #bestinterestbrokers #mortgagebrokers #mortgage #broker #finance #interestrates #homeloans #businessloans #bridgingloans #constructionloans #smsfloans #equipmentfinance #personalloans #refinancing #purchasing #investing #homeownership #lendingexperts #northernbeachesmums #nswproperty #nswrealestate #goldcoastmums #qldrealestate #queenslandhomes #accountants
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Builders: Learn how Movement’s upfront underwriting process could help you increase your business and profits. *While it is Movement Mortgage’s goal to provide underwriting results within six hours of receiving an application, process loans in seven days, and close in one day, extenuating circumstances may cause delays outside of this window. #movementmortgage #mortgagesthatmeanmore #ImpactLending #ImpactLender #newconstruction #homebuying #mortgageknowledge #underwriting #homebuying101 #newbuild #moneymindset
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🏠 Low Deposit Home Loans - Is it worth it? Let’s break down the pros and cons! A low deposit can help you buy a home sooner—even with less saved up. But keep in mind, it may come with a few trade-offs, like higher interest rates and limited borrowing power. Thinking of going this route? We’re here to answer your questions and help you decide what works best for you. 😊 #CentralLendingSolutions #RealEstateAustralia #HomeBuying #InvestInProperty #AustralianProperty #HouseHunting #DreamHome #Refinance #InvestmentProperty #RealEstateInvestment #FirstHomeBuyer #HomeLoan #FinanceTips #FirstTimeHomeBuyer #HomeOwnership #LowDepositHomeLoan #Mortgage
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Many of the challenging deals I successfully close are not due to magic but my expertise in managing stressful situations and difficult circumstances. 🌟💼 With extensive experience and in-depth knowledge, I excel where others may fall short. Most deals can be accomplished with patience, determination, and a well-crafted plan. 📝🏡 If you're struggling to secure a home in this competitive market, have been turned down by other lenders, or simply need a strategic plan, I'm here to help. 🤝🏠 I specialize in home loans and take pride in doing what others cannot, don't know how or just not willing to try and help. Let me know how I can assist you. 🔑✨ #texasmortgageadvisor #RAYMONDFUENTESMORTGAGETEAM #southwestfunding #abetterwaytomortgage #GetPreQualifiedTODAY #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuying #stoprenting #investinyourfuture #BuildEquity #sanantoniorealestate #sanmarcostexas #seguintexas #newbraunfelstexas
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