The DoE releases a new Liftoff Report: Innovative Grid Deployment. "The technologies the new report covers could increase the capacity of U.S. grids to serve peak electricity demand by 20 to 100 gigawatts, the DOE found." Getting more out of the existing grid is non-optional given the constraints around construction of new lines.
Keeling Capital’s Post
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My latest now on Power Advisory reviews recent electricity grid modernization/expansion pieces coming out of the United States and European Union, especially the desire to deploy advanced/grid-enhancing technologies at scale to increase the capacity and functionality of existing transmission and distribution infrastructure. #energytransition #energypolicy #electricity #distribution #transmission #gridmodernization #futuregrid #netzero #energyfuture #digitalization #electrification
Waiting for Grid Modernization
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Another study calling for greater deployment of grid modernization technology released: 'Prospects for Innovative Power Grid Technologies': "Overall, by assuming a fast deployment of several IGTs on the grid, based on discussions with technology experts, a 20% to 40% overall capacity improvement (e.g. on the wider network) by 2040, seems realistic, enabling from approximately 100GW to 200GW of additional capacity"
My latest now on Power Advisory reviews recent electricity grid modernization/expansion pieces coming out of the United States and European Union, especially the desire to deploy advanced/grid-enhancing technologies at scale to increase the capacity and functionality of existing transmission and distribution infrastructure. #energytransition #energypolicy #electricity #distribution #transmission #gridmodernization #futuregrid #netzero #energyfuture #digitalization #electrification
Waiting for Grid Modernization
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In its last infrastructure review, a 2015 DOE report found that 70% of U.S. transmission lines are 25 years old. The average age of large power transformers, which handle 90% of U.S. electricity flow, is more than 40 years. More than a quarter of the grid is 50 years old or older. With growing electricity demand, grid upgrades must be addressed. This article poses interesting solutions to buy the needed time to reform the nation's approach to delivering electricity. #electricity #powerdevelopment #renewableenergy
The U.S. Urgently Needs a Bigger Grid. Here’s a Fast Solution.
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There have been a number of articles and commentary in the past week talking about the opportunity that the new government has to reset the role of batteries in the UK electricity thinking. But they need to act fast. At the same time they aren’t getting the help that they need from the infrastructure operators. This FT article is particularly damning - years of under investment perhaps and not enough coherent drive from Ofgem? The UK has a real opportunity to make smart grids at micro and macro level a thing of the present. But it does need government leadership. Taking over the system operator is hopefully a sign of future direction. Mr Milliband we look to you to support the innovation and investment that this country needs. #netzero #powervault
“The Government’s battery strategy isn’t fit for purpose”
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"For now, spending on electricity infrastructure shows no sign of easing, as grid operators grapple with rising power consumption, a changing generation mix and ageing infrastructure".
A new electricity supercycle is under way
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Today the Grid Deployment Office | U.S. Department of Energy announced nearly $2 billion in awards under the Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) program. The selected projects will construct more than 300 miles of new transmission and upgrade more than 650 miles of existing lines with high-performance conductors or grid-enhancing technologies. Altogether they will enable over 7.5 gigawatts of additional grid capacity. Special shoutout to VEIR, who was awarded $29.3 million to deploy a 3.7-mile superconducting transmission line in Eaton County, Michigan. This innovative technology will increase the transfer capacity within an existing right of way by more than five times as compared to a conventional conductor. Check it out:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Additional $2 Billion to Protect the Grid Against Growing Threats of Extreme Weather, Expand Transmission
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This article explores the importance of creating more investments in #grid-enhancing #technology (GET). From the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), these are five reasons for a major renovation in grid planning: 1. Utilities need to stay on top of demand increases by managing supply chain delays and lowering grid connection wait times. 2. The longer grids wait to modernize, the higher the long-term costs will be. 3. Grid enhancing technologies (of which there are over 20 types) are readily available to future-proof the grid. 4. Utilities need to be able to pursue proactive incentives, including those for cutting-edge technologies. 5. There are several high-priority GETs like HVDC, DLR, advanced conductors, and ADMS technologies that have deployment readiness. Essentially, there are a range of solutions that are key to driving down costs and expanding grid capacity, and the #UnitedStates needs to decide how best to utilize all of them. Find out more here: #EnergyGrid #EnergyTransition #GridOrchestration #ADMS #GridEnhancingTechnologies #GridModernization #GridPlanning
DOE: Failing to invest in grid-enhancing tech will be a 'massive miss' | Latitude Media
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How a simple fix could double the size of the U.S. electricity grid Upgrading existing high-voltage lines could double the flow of power through the electricity grid. The limitations of the grid are slowing the transition to clean energy. This work has been slow because utilities profit more from building new lines than upgrading them. #RewireTheGrid
How a simple fix could double the size of the U.S. electricity grid
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The U.S. electrical grid comprises three major interconnections: the Eastern Interconnection, the Western Interconnection, and the independent Texas Interconnection Local grids within these zones are connected, but links between the three major zones are minimal They lack the scale, capacity, and range needed for unrestricted bulk power transfers This puts our energy security at risk
China Is Building A Supergrid - And So Should We
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“Increasing demand for power is making access to the grid for new property developments progressively more difficult,” says Chris Glover, Director, Buro Happold. In this recent Property Week article, Chris discusses issues surrounding the demand for power and generation, emphasising that the outdated ‘first come, first served’ system needs to be replaced with ‘first ready, first served’. With only one in 10 connection applications currently moving forward, it's evident that change is long overdue. The newly proposed Connections Action Plan (CAP) aims to streamline connection timescales, but challenges persist. Ambitious targets often lack tangible detail, leaving stakeholders questioning accountability and feasibility, Read this article in full here: Join Chris Glover and William Ryan for our upcoming ‘Ramp up the pace of change for connections’ masterclass looking at the challenges and practical steps you can take in the short term #utilityconnections #gridreform #Ofgem #electricity #energy #cities #builtenvironment #realestate #development
A power connections conundrum
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