Dear politicians, don't you see that the ecosystem of our planet is totally worn out by us? And can I ask all environmentalist to please STOP TALKING ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE. That diagnostic is - although true - far too narrow, and it is distorting the narrative completely. The real problem is GLOBAL ECOSYSTEM COLLAPSE. Excessive land use causing accelerated mass extinction of mainly large vertebrates is a far greater problem. Autonomous nature is almost inexistent. Everything we have done so far is too little too late. And populism, both on the left and on the right side, will only make things worse. We have to do everything at once: invent a just and inclusive capitalism that doesn't need excessive growth, preserve 50% of the planet as autonomous natural reserve, and limit our population to less than 4 billion. When will we ever stop celebrating our blind anthropocentric ignorance?
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Klimaat is geen probleem, wel een OPLOSSING
The initiatives taken so far are to manufacture lots of wind turbines and electric cars so more money can be made and further damage inflicted on the planet. You are correct in saying we should focus our attention of food production and consumption...