Today marks the end of my journey at EY. A journey which was quite remarkable.
I joined EY 8 years ago via the acquisition of i3 Intelligence in Information. At i3 I worked for 10 years. Which means I worked for 18 years
under some sort of the same company/leadership. A period which can’t be captured in a few sentences. But it’s not the start or end point
that really matter, but it’s what you do in-between.
That “in-between” means for me working with great people, projects and clients, and I can’t do justice to capture that 18 years with just some
sentences in this post.
What I can do is reflect on my journey, and what I would say to my younger self 18 years ago, who was walking into the doors of i3 Intelligence
in Information as a BI Consultant.
🏆 The first thing I would do is tell him he made the right choices! First the i3 period, a smaller company in the Data & Analytics space where
it was expected to deep dive solely into the world of Data & Analytics and figure out what kind of person and consultant I was. And secondly
after the acquisition of i3 by EY to stay in this large corporate environment and where EY presented me with countless opportunities, a move
from FAAS into Consulting, working with the world’s largest organizations, setting up managed services, make impact at clients and grew into
the senior manager role for Managed Services Data & Analytics. Navigating and taking the opportunities that came my way didn't happen by
chance, it is testament to EY as a firm and those around me who made it happen.
🚀 The second thing, and I would be lying if I said it was easy, is to understand everyone's journey is different. I had setbacks, but it is how
you bounce back from those setbacks and what you can learn from the difficult periods, that set you up for success. I remember multiple
occasions where sometimes I was struggling with clients or internal EY things, and also received it by upper leadership. A tough message to
take, but it helped reset and come up with a plan to get to the next level.
📈 Last (but definitely not least), it's all about the people. My personal journey could not have gone the way it did without the help of others.
I was lucky enough to find mentors and coaches at each step of the journey. People who I looked up to and aspired to be like in 2-3 years, who
pushed me and made me look at things differently, and helped me to grow.
As I sign off today it will hit home what I am leaving behind. I have had the privilege of working with so many great people and great teams during
my time.
But as this chapter (or book) closes, I look forward to starting a new adventure as I take the next step on my journey, and what the next "in-between" holds...
Co-Founder & Manager
3moCongratulations for this new achievement! For you the sky is the limit!!!!!