Marvel Fusion’s Post

🎉 Marvel Fusion is part of PriFUSIO 🎉   The PriFUSIO initiative bundles the German expertise in academia and industry for optics and laser development to pioneer laser-based fusion technology! Supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), PriFUSIO is driving advancement of high-energy lasers and durable optics for laser fusion power plants and fosters industrial collaboration with €18 million in funding.   Focus of this program is to explore new laser materials and lay the foundation for laser systems suitable for commercial power plants: cutting-edge technology ready for mass production. For PriFUSIO, Marvel Fusion is looking forward to work with industrial partners including TRUMPF, SCHOTT, Heraeus, LASEROPTIK GmbH, LAYERTEC GmbH, Focused Energy Inc., and research institutes such as Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH), Fraunhofer ILT, Fraunhofer IOF for joint research and development.   With the overarching "Fusion 2040 - Research on the way to a fusion power plant" funding program, the German government commits €1 billion until 2028 to support the local fusion industry. Fusion is now!   Find the link to our press release in the comments (in German).   #PriFUSIO #Laserfusion #madeinGermany #fusionisnow

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