Meta-Analysis Academy’s Post

Funnel's quick guide… Meta-analysis is a powerful #statistical technique that pools #data from multiple studies to provide a comprehensive summary of #research findings on a particular topic. However, it's crucial to assess the possibility of #publication #bias, one way to do this is to use a funnel plot. A funnel plot is a graphical tool for visually inspecting #heterogeneity. Its elements are: - Study Precision (SE): Each study is represented by a data point on the plot, where the x-axis typically depicts the study precision (SE) either directly or indirectly through standard error. Studies with larger sample sizes or lower standard errors are positioned toward the top of the plot. - Study Result (Effect Size): The y-axis of the funnel plot usually represents the effect size, such as the odds ratio (OR), risk ratio (RR), or mean difference. Each study's effect size is plotted against its precision. Individual Study: Each study included in the meta-analysis contributes a data point to the funnel plot. - Overall Effect: The overall effect estimate derived from the meta-analysis is typically represented by a diamond-shaped symbol on the plot, indicating the combined effect size across all studies. 95% Confidence Interval (Triangle): A triangular region, often superimposed on the funnel plot, represents the expected dispersion of points in the absence of bias and heterogeneity. Approximately 95% of studies would fall within this region under ideal conditions. - Null Effect Line: A horizontal line, usually drawn at the null effect (e.g., OR = 1 or RR = 0), serves as a reference for comparing the effect sizes of individual studies. Effect sizes falling on or near this line suggest no significant difference between groups. Funnel plots of effect estimates against their standard errors can be created using #RevMan or #R software. This analysis is not recommended used when there are fewer than 10 studies in the #metaanalysis because test power is usually too low to distinguish chance from real asymmetry. Comment your questions here!

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Deivyd Cavalcante

Pharmaceutical Health Researcher | Pharmacology Expert at Meta-Analysis Academy |


this is gold!

Shilan Mozaffari

Health Economics & Outcomes Researcher | Medical Scientific Affairs Manager | PharmD


Very informative

Larissa Hespanhol

3th-Year Medical Student | Aspiring Physician-scientists | Data Analysis Enthusiast (R, JASP, SPSS, RevMan)


Thanks for the share!

Izabela Pera Calvi, MD

Medical Doctor | Neurosciences & Mental Health PhD Student



Simon Ernest

Physiotherapist | Public Image Chair RAC KCMC 24/25 | Rotaractor | YOCAB Alumni 24 | ALP 24 Alumni | JAMS Ambassador | Storyteller



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