It started with an introduction of the #InvisiblePeople in our community by Ames Chen earlier last week, and what it did was inspire the children to want to help create a world that shows love to all those around them, and then have the courage to act on what they see. And they did just that. They spent time with seniors, prepared food and gave care packages for #migrantworkers, did a neighbourhood clean-up, and learnt more from #conversationists who continuously strive to protect the environment and animals from extinction. “The purpose of life is not to be happy, but to matter– to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all.” – Leo Rosten May the children continue to show #kindness, help those in need and bring cheer to those around them in their own ways. A big thank you to all the organisations 1. Joo Chiat Social Club 2. Krsna's Kitchen 3. Singapore Wildlife Action Group that supported and gave the children such wonderful insights into what they do daily. To all of them - You deserve so much more recogniton and your commitment to care for the community is certainly an inspiration to all the children. And to the Mosaic team - Thank you, as always, for making this camp happen for the children. . . . #mosaicplayacademy #letsplayatmpa #communityservice #volunteering #kidsgiveback #primaryschool #primaryone #studentcare #afterschool #holidaycamp #enrichment ##schoolholiday #empathy #compassion