Jigar, you are on point again! What makes deployment great? Delivery systems for all the innovative technology products that exist and simply need wider, faster adoption. Think DERs, more energy efficient widgets, gadgets and gizmos, and of course, software. But just building factories full of these without a delivery system is a bridge to nowhere (or not enough). The ultimate delivery system for all DERs and innovative climate tech? New built residential (which we need a ton of anyway). Just remember to design it with the maximum performance allowed by physics and create a system to scale it at speed using, again, robotics, software and PHI ( Propagated Human Intelligence)! AM.51 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Fractalize™ Energy Positive Living Consortium Positive Energy Action Inc. Sven Thomsen The Clear Clean Jamie Skaar Gavin Newsom Gary Fleisher OffSiteDirt.com The Cool Down
Discovery is hard, demonstration is harder, but Deployment — that’s what makes your country great. “A point that he consistently makes is that the technology risk itself isn't the hard part. Much of what's emerging is technology that people at the DOE have been working on literally for decades. The main challenge is not in coming up with something new that might work to produce clean energy. The challenge is getting something that's shown to work out into the field, and operating in an efficient, competitive manner. One key ingredient to making that happen is finding the necessary capital which is where the LPO has a role. And of course this is true with things that aren't at the cutting edge technologically as well. Nuclear has been around for a long time, and likely has a role to play in improving the grid. But it's hard to deploy, at least in the US, at least in some categories. So to an extent, the US economy faces a challenge that for much of the 20th century we might have associated with developing economies. The technology to achieve things people want exists. Thinking them up and showing they can work is not the hard part. The hard part is in the coordination and cooperation required to get them running.”
Great points Jigar!
Andreas M. Benzing Bradley Albright