From gender pay gaps to ethnic pay gaps, SkyCity Entertainment Group has committed to transparency and equity. Starting in 2019, they began publishing these gaps, leading the charge for a more inclusive Aotearoa. We spoke with Fleur Allison, General Manager of Performance and Reward, about the challenges, lessons, and importance of pay gap reporting as a tool for greater workplace diversity and equity. #PayGapInsightsHub #Transparency #Fairness #FairPay #PayGaps
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Today is Equal Pay Day in the UK💰 Equal Pay Day is a national campaign led by the Fawcett Society, it marks the day in the year when, based on the gender pay gap, women overall in the UK stop being paid compared to men. The gender pay gap is the difference between the average pay of men and women within a particular group or population. Fawcett uses the mean, full-time, hourly gender pay gap for the UK to calculate the gender pay gap for Equal Pay Day which is 11.3%, up from 10.4% last year. To see that we are actually going back in development, rather than closing the gap is disheartening and alarming. At Pioneering People, we are proud to enforce minimum hourly rates of £13 nationwide and £14 within London. Our policies stand against gender discrimination and never allow employers to pay workers of different genders, different amounts for the same role. Join us in making some noise and spreading awareness about this day. #GenderPayGap #PayGap #Equality
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"UK employers have had to report the gender disparity in pay since 2017. The exercise, however, remains largely one of compliance with little accountability for reducing gaps". Reporting is important but without accountability, its effectiveness is blunted. One Loud Voice for Women #loudertogether #bestpractice Business school teaching case study: Can transparency improve pay equality? - via @FT
Business school teaching case study: Can transparency improve pay equality?
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It’s time to be strategic about closing the gender pay gap. As legislation requires organisations with over 250 employees to annually declare their genders pay gaps, we can see signs of progress, with 2024 marking the narrowest pay gap so far. However, with women still earning 91p to every £1 a man makes – there’s still work to be done. Our Expert Zara Nanu MBE shares her tips for businesses developing a holistic approach to closing their pay gaps. Read the full article here:
Let's narrow the divide on the unfinished business of pay gaps - Business Leader
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💰 𝗘𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗮𝘆 𝗗𝗮𝘆 💸 Today is Equal Pay Day. A day that, among others, highlights the existing gender pay gap. Despite progress in gender equality over the past few decades, this pay gap persists, even though women hold the same positions, have the same education, and share the same level of experience as their male counterparts. Three facts that underline the problem: 1. From Equal Pay Day onwards, women work on average for free for the rest of the year compared to men (approximately 1.5 months); 2. On average, Dutch women's hourly wages are 12 percent lower than men's. That is €300,000 in a working life; 3. When women negotiate a salary increase, they are twice as likely to hear a “no” compared to men negotiating a salary increase. The Directive on equal pay for men and women (Directive 2023/970) is aimed at closing the pay gap. In short, this directive requires companies to provide information to employees about how much they pay women and men for work of equal value. EU companies must also take action if the gender pay gap at their company exceeds 5 percent. This directive must be implemented in member states no later than June 7, 2026. The Directive on equal pay for men and women seems to be a step in the right direction. It is the aim that, one day, Equal Pay Day will no longer be a day to raise awareness about equal pay, but a day to celebrate that equal pay is the standard at every company. Want to learn more about Directive (2023/970) and its implementation in the different member states? Please read here: #EqualPayDay #PayGap #Directive2023/970 #PayTransparencyDirective #BronsgeestDeurAdvocaten #HRLaw #IusLaboris
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In spite of the best efforts by some industries the gender pay gap continues to persist. With new legislation on it's way, there are still steps businesses can take to promote pay equity, and experince the broader benefits of closing the gap. It's a crucial issue that affects everyone in the workplace. Stay informed and be part of the change. #genderpaygap #payequity #workplaceequality #nkc #irishbusiness #paytransparency #employeerights #genderequality #equalopportunity #womensrights
Gender Pay Gap — NKC
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Picking up on one of Millicent Machell MA's excellent points below... ...this #EqualPayDay, here is one of our most read articles: four drivers behind the gender pay gap and how a lack of decently paid flexible working, is behind THREE of them: #EqualPayDay #FlexibleWorking #Action
It's Equal Pay Day today. That sounds lovely (a day where everyone is paid equally?), but really it's not. From today, women effectively work the rest of the year for free, due to the gender pay gap. I spend a lot of time talking to people who are pushing for equity and inclusion in their organisations. But, it's 2024, and the gender pay gap is still 11.3%. That's up from 10.7% last year. Black, minoritised, and disabled women face even greater pay disparities. On average, women earn £7,572 less than men a year. Unacceptable. I know most of my audience are HR professionals, who are well aware of their unique responsibility (and opportunity!) to change this. But here's a reminder of how important it is to: 💸Conduct regular pay audits 💸Standardise pay structures 💸Support equal career development 💸Create better parental leave and pay policies 💸Address unconscious bias in recruitment and promotion 💸Support flexible working 💸Stay accountable We cannot afford to let the gender pay gap persist any longer and HR professionals have the tools and influence to lead the change. Let’s use this Equal Pay Day to remember that. #Genderpaygap #HR
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Today is #EthnicityPayGapDay. The campaign was founded by Dianne Greyson to raise awareness of the issues caused by the ethnicity pay gap and calling for reporting on the pay gap to be made mandatory. Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting is currently voluntary in the UK. However, the campaign has now been recognised at Government level – with the Labour Party supporting mandatory reporting in their Election Campaign, and by launching the Office for Equality and Opportunity, which strengthens employers’ legal duties – including ensuring ethnically diverse workers receive equal pay. This follows calls from the Women and Equalities Committee and Trades Union Congress (TUC) in 2022 and 2023. Whilst the policy hasn’t officially been introduced, there have been concerns around how Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting can work. Companies may have issues with collecting and presenting data, and some ethnically diverse employees could be hesitant to report their ethnicity and religion over concerns they’ll be faced with bias when it comes to progressing their careers. A simple way to help combat the Ethnicity Pay Gap and work towards equal pay is to #ShowTheSalary on job descriptions. This reduces the need for negotiation, which often negatively impacts ethnically diverse and female employees, whilst giving businesses the opportunity to attract diverse, talented candidates and to become a more inclusive organisation. #RaceEqualityMatters #EthnicityPayGap
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It's Equal Pay Day today. That sounds lovely (a day where everyone is paid equally?), but really it's not. From today, women effectively work the rest of the year for free, due to the gender pay gap. I spend a lot of time talking to people who are pushing for equity and inclusion in their organisations. But, it's 2024, and the gender pay gap is still 11.3%. That's up from 10.7% last year. Black, minoritised, and disabled women face even greater pay disparities. On average, women earn £7,572 less than men a year. Unacceptable. I know most of my audience are HR professionals, who are well aware of their unique responsibility (and opportunity!) to change this. But here's a reminder of how important it is to: 💸Conduct regular pay audits 💸Standardise pay structures 💸Support equal career development 💸Create better parental leave and pay policies 💸Address unconscious bias in recruitment and promotion 💸Support flexible working 💸Stay accountable We cannot afford to let the gender pay gap persist any longer and HR professionals have the tools and influence to lead the change. Let’s use this Equal Pay Day to remember that. #Genderpaygap #HR
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Your gender shouldn’t dictate how much money you make or how much freedom your job affords you. And yet, in 2024, the wage gap remains a stark reality. Women still earn significantly less than men for equivalent work. It takes women, on average, an extra three months to earn what men do in a year. This isn't just a statistic; it's a daily challenge that affects millions. We still don’t have enough data about how the wage gap might impact transgender and non-binary people, but if the binary gender pay gap has shown us anything, we can probably guess it holds up with other gender identities. At Fearless Foundry, we are committed to highlighting and combating these disparities. We advocate for transparency in pay and the implementation of equitable salary practices across all industries. Join us in pushing for change. 💬 What steps can your organization take to address this inequality? Here are some actions you can start with: • Conduct regular pay audits to ensure fairness. • Implement transparent pay policies. • Support career advancement opportunities for women, transgender folks, and those who are non-binary. If you have a story about pay disparities, leave it in the comments! Together, we can close the gap. #EqualPayDay #WageGap #FearlessFoundry
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Yesterday was Equal Pay Day—the point in the year where, thanks to the gender pay gap, women effectively work for free compared to men for the rest of the year. And this year, it came two days earlier than last year. Two days earlier! I’m not sure about you, but that feels like the opposite of progress. Every organisation has a responsibility to tackle this, and it’s not just about compliance—it’s about fairness, transparency, and valuing every individual equally. At Turning Point, we’re passionate about helping businesses not just close the gender pay gap, but build pay structures that are equitable, sustainable, and reflective of the amazing work their people do. Think this is a daunting task? It doesn’t have to be. Our team is here to support you with practical, tailored strategies to tackle pay inequity head-on. Together, let’s ensure that pay discrimination becomes a thing of the past. #PayandReward #RewardStrategy #EqualPayDay #GenderPayGap #PayEquity #RewardConsultants
Today is Equal Pay Day. It marks the day in the year when, based on the gender pay gap, women in the UK stop being paid compared to men. The Fawcett Society has confirmed that this year it is two days earlier than last year. Despite gradual progress over the last few years, the gender pay gap has widened for the first time since 2013. Fawcett uses the mean, full-time, hourly gender pay gap for the UK to calculate the gender pay gap for Equal Pay Day. This year it is 11.3%, up from 10.7% last year. In 2024, how can the gender pay gap be increasing? Every business has a responsibility to ensure that workers of all genders receive equal pay for work of equal value and to eliminate pay discrimination. At Turning Point, we are passionate about working with organisations to ensure fairness and transparency are at the heart of their remuneration approach. Read our article on the proactive measures employers can take to promote pay equity. ➡ #Payandreward #RewardStrategy #RewardConsultants #EqualPayDay #PayEquity #GenderPayGap
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