DYK that before mass vaccination in 1963, nearly every child got measles by age 15. The disease sickened 3 million to 4 million people and led to about 500 deaths and 48,000 hospitalizations every year. Other than death, measles causes serious illness and leads to hospitalization for 1 in 5 who become sick. 1,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain). Worldwide, even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available, in 2023, there were an estimated 107,500 measles deaths globally, mostly among unvaccinated or under-vaccinated children under the age of 5 years. But beyond measles, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis should be of grave concern. SSPE is a devastating complication of the measles virus. Although it is a rare but rising complication and the measles virus is preventable with vaccination, as healthcare systems may see more cases given the re-emergence of measles in many countries in the last few years. 4 to 11 per 100,000 cases of measles result in SSPE. This number goes up to 18 per 100,000 cases if the child was less than five years old when primarily infected with measles. It appears to have a higher prevalence in males, with later onset and increased latency in females. High mortality rates are associated with SSPE, and there is no known cure at this time. The only option against SSPE is measles vaccination. Preventing SSPE from developing is the best treatment option. Vaccination for the measles virus is a very safe and effective way to prevent initial infection.
Why would Physicians for Informed Consent omit to speak about such in unvaccinated children ? Blood on their hands ?
Did you know that before the measles mass vaccination program was introduced, nearly everyone contracted measles and obtained lifetime immunity by age 15? Parents, learn more about this here: picdata.org/measles/dis/
#vaccines #measles #mmr #informedconsent
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Attending
3moNo the potential side effect is a febrile seizure, which is usually mild and not life threatening unlike the illnesses prevented by the vaccine. And febrile seizures are NOT associated with an increased risk of seizure disorders.