Please join the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations: The Green Pledge and White & Case LLP for a coffee break and insightful panel discussion on "Trends in ESG Disputes: 2024 Year-in-Review and Predictions for 2025" which will take place on Tuesday November 19, 2024 from 3:30-5:15 pm during New York Arbitration Week. The panel will be followed by a “green walk” to the New York Arbitration Week Welcome Reception.
The panel, moderated by Suzanne Knijnenburg (White & Case), will explore the current landscape of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) claims across various domestic and international forums. In light of the recent U.S. presidential election and rapidly evolving ESG agendas among regulators and governments worldwide, the discussion will include predictions for ESG dispute risks looking toward 2025, along with risk mitigation strategies, featuring a diverse panel of speakers bringing expertise in ESG policy development, impact litigation, and corporate ESG risk management.
Speakers will include:
- Lisa Sachs, Director of the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment
- Cherine Foty, Senior Associate at Covington & Burling LLP and Co-Chair of Campaign for Greener Arbitrations
- Diego Rueda, Senior Associate at Freshfields US LLP, and
- Parisa Elahi, Senior Corporate Counsel at Cisco
Jennifer Glasser (White & Case), member of the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations North America Committee, will deliver welcome remarks and I will provide updates about the North America Committee - CGA at the end of the panel.
To register for the event, visit
For more information about the Green Walk and to register, visit
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