Most attorneys share that their primary growth objective is making more money. Great! To do so you probably must create your own BD goals, targets, short plan, and actions. Why?
Most firms don’t train (or train well) with their attorneys on business development (BD). You can do up your game on your own. It’s not that hard to “get small” and devise simple strategies to grow 3 existing clients, further develop 3 existing referral sources, and aim at 3 new clients and/or connections for the next year. Sure, there are other growth development strategies. But, if you do little else than these three intentional actions you will be light years ahead of most colleagues.
The BTI Consulting Group recently reported that 54% of the 700 attorneys recently they surveyed think their BD culture is inconsistent at best and ranges to apathy and indifference.
The survey’s attorneys cited the lack of guidance, tools, and training.
This is stunning if extrapolated to the larger population. There are over 1,300,000 attorneys in the U.S. More than 500,000 aren’t getting adequate growth support.
This is good news if you want to be even slightly proactive. The bar is low (pun intended), the entry barrier is minimal, and the opportunity to stand out is easily obtainable.
No matter the size of your firm or practice, you must take matters in hand yourself. Many attorneys share with me that they’ve been waiting on the firm or practice to step in with growth tools and training. Associates say this as well. Partners and associates that want growth stress over the lack of external support.
So, if you want to grow your practice and make more money – and do it consistently with a continually upward trajectory – your first realization is that the solution is probably not coming soon from an external source, and you have to seize the opportunity. The second thing to get excited about is, it’s not that difficult. The model above of 3 + 3 + 3 will go a long way for consistent growth.
The BTI survey offers that change can happen when:
· Training the wiling and interested
· Offering tools and guidance
· Training associates early in growth
· Offering CLE with training
I’ll show you how to simplify your growth. If you want easy to follow biz dev guidance, the first of my five coaching modules, Introduction to Business Development, is free through April 15. If you do only this, as mentioned above, you’ll be light years ahead of most colleagues – and the competition too. And the one-hour investment in yourself may qualify for CLE.
Click the link in the comments below for relevant, action-based guidance to kick start your growth.