2025, let’s go! I am very proud of our team, our family and what we accomplished together in 2024. We recognized 16 outstanding Safe Supervisors and Lead Hands who went above and beyond for Health & Safety and Quality Assurance. They were recognized with a company celebration, a recognition certificate, along with two extra paid vacation days! We, as a team continue to demonstrate our Health and Food Safety excellence, and we continue to be excellent ourselves. We as a team raised over $20,000, for great causes throughout the whole year. We ran, we walked, and most importantly, we all waited for each other at the finish line. It’s not about finishing first, it’s about finishing together. As we go into 2025, let me leave you with a few learnings in 2024. 1) There are no failures, only growth opportunities. 2) As a team, we’re not only a team, but we are a family. 3) You will have your ups, and you will have your downs, but you never let a ‘moment’, get in the way of the ‘momentum’. So the question isn’t ‘ Are you ready for 2025’? But rather ‘Is 2025, ready for you? Go get them, be strong, be composed, and most importantly, keep being you. We are ready for you 2025!
happy new year Rodney C. Cook MIR, CRSP !
Thanks Lee-Anne Lyon-Bartley -you too !
thanks, Mary Dalimonte! Happy New Year to you too!
2025, let’s go indeed. All the best to you and family
Vice President, Global Food Safety, Occupational Health & Safety, Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs
1wThanks Naunidh S. Hunjan (Nona), CLU®, MFA-P™,CHS™, EPC™,CPCA®, CSE® ! Happy new year!