3 seriously magical benefits of yoga that all conscious leaders should know.
Too woo-woo for you? Hear me out… These are some of the benefits of yoga:
More than just an exercise, yoga is a powerful tool for manifesting desires connecting the mind, body, and spirit. It’s the reason why it was created and practiced by ancient civilizations over 5,000 years ago in the northern part of India. Yoga was one of the first blueprints created for healing our bodies and minds, to elevate our frequency and consciousness.
You see, everything is connected. Your thoughts create your feelings, which create your beliefs and therefore your reality. As such, when you do yoga, and purposefully move your body to your breath along with a powerful intention, you can align your mind and heart to be in coherence, and create new beliefs to take new aligned actions.
You see, we can understand and desire something mentally, but we cannot change our external reality until we have moved that new thought and integrated it as new feeling and new belief in our body. This is why yoga is magical. Yoga helps..
1. Set intentions. This process of intention setting helps you and your employees clarify and create a roadmap for what you truly desire, on and off the mat (and in the workplace!)
2. Create Mind-Body Alignment. It heightens awareness of one’s body’s sensations, thoughts, and emotions in order to create a powerful synergy between mental and physical states. This powerful connection can help employees create the mindset and physical conditions needed to be more innovative and focused at work.
3. Manifest your desires. As you align your body and breath, you create an environment for the smooth flow of energy throughout your entire system. This positive energy can heal you and can also be directed towards one’s goals, amplifying one’s efforts beyond the physical aspects of the practice.
If you are a conscious leader you’d be pressed to integrate yoga practice as part of your employee’s benefits. HR leaders may quick to dismiss this as just a superficial way of bringing wellness to the world place, when in fact the power of it’s simplicity is unparalleled when used intentionally to create specific business outcomes. It’s more than just an activity to fill time or wellness incentive, it’s the basis for how we can begin to shift individual consciousness and organizational culture with a holistic wellness approach.
Want to bring this magic and other holistic wellness strategies like yoga breathwork and coaching to your workplace? Connect with me for a virtual coffee, using this link below 👇🏼