Today its good to be able to share some positive news. Ecogas and Clarus group (parent company of First Gas) together through creating First Renewables and working with Australian-based Eneraque , have managed to get biogas made in Reporoa from Auckland foodwaste (collected via Auckland Council) piped into the gas network. Ecogas itself is part owned by Pioneer Energy (based in Alexandra) and Eco Stock Supplies (based in Auckland). So to say this project is a combined effort is an understatement. Yesterday the biogas was combined with the natural gas and piped into the regular reticulated gas network for the first time. This is a huge milestone for New Zealand as we are years behind in the collection and use of biogas compared to other many other countries - Australia being the closest. With our agriculture and dairy industry producing a lot of waste - which is just wasted at the moment - we have a lot of unrealised potential in this space. Tom Pullar-Strecker Alzbeta Bouskova Houghton ANDREW FISHER Andrew Bedford James Irvine
Well done. Reducing landfill waste and creating renewable energy sources—what’s not to like?
Innovation in action..........brilliant !!!
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