The Mid-term Conference of Innovation Action SYNERGETICS, moderated by Daisy Rycquart, takes place in Brussels on November 5, and features a list of distinguished speakers and panelists: 🎤 Keynotes by Muhammed Elemenler, Benjamin Boyer, and Benjamin Friedhoff 🎤 Exploration session with Dr. Elimar Frank, Matthieu Renault, and Marcello Leonardi 🎤 Synchronization session with Niels Kreukniet and panelists Joaquim Demeyer, Bo Salet, Matthias Schubert, and Lucas Haag 🎤 Demonstration session with Gianluca Giurco, Sophia Brans, and Jan Kaufmann 🎤 Integration and Acceleration session with Friederike Dahlke-Wallat and Martin Quispel. Interested in the Conference, but could not join us? Then follow this space for the Conference follow-up. #synergetics with CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency and DST - Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems, Expertise- en InnovatieCentrum Binnenvaart, ScandiNAOS AB, MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands), viadonau, TTS (Transport Trade Services) GmbH., ZT-Kanzlei Dipl.-Ing. Richard Anzböck, Argo-Anleg GmbH, Croatian Register of Shipping Inland Navigation Division, EUFRAK - EuroConsults Berlin GmbH (EEBG), Future Proof Shipping, Koedood Marine Group, Mercurius Shipping Group, Zero Emission Services, Compagnie Fluviale de Transport, Groupe SOGESTRAN, CMB.TECH, and OST – Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences.