Taboola GrCN’s Post

🎉 全球領先的內容推薦平台 Taboola,今日宣布推出業界領先的科技:生成式 AI 助理「Abby」!🤖✨ 「Abby」藉助 Taboola 積累超過十年的廣告成功數據,助力廣告主僅在數分鐘內,將廣告投放至全球優質、可信賴的新聞媒體網站,每日可觸及超過 6 億名活躍用戶。🌐📈 「Abby」 AI 助理專為廣告主打造,透過對話方式,提供包括預算設定、廣告投放策略、廣告素材設計與優化等建議,讓廣告變得簡單又高效。🚀 無論你是否有廣告專業技能,有了 Abby,任何人都能輕鬆上手,建立並管理自己的廣告活動。 Taboola 創辦人暨執行長 Adam Singolda 表示:「Abby 重新定義了廣告主的可能性,讓所有廣告主都能更輕鬆、更快速地建立廣告活動。Abby 讓廣告變得更普及和便捷,讓每個使用者在設置他們的廣告活動時,都像是在與資深廣告專家對話。廣告主可以用簡單的語言與 Abby 對話,並放手讓它作為廣告活動的專家。Abby 將最尖端的生成式 AI 應用技術、Taboola 獨特的數據,和最實用的策略整合在一起,以幫助廣告主成功。我們不斷致力於讓廣告主透過 Taboola 獲取成功。在這條路上,我們又往前邁進了一步。」 🎉 Taboola, a global leader in powering recommendations for the open web, today announced the introduction of Abby, an industry-first Generative AI technology that advertisers can use to start and manage campaigns, even without being an expert in advertising.🤖✨ Abby is built on more than a decade of learnings from successful advertiser campaigns across Taboola and allows advertisers to launch effective campaigns in minutes, on a network of trusted premium publisher websites that reaches more than 600 million daily active users.🌐📈 Abby is an advanced AI assistant for advertisers that offers a conversational approach to building and launching every aspect of their campaigns–budgeting, targeting, creative, optimization and more.🚀 "Abby reinvents what's possible for advertisers of all sizes, taking the guesswork and time demands out of launching campaigns," said Adam Singolda, CEO at Taboola. "Abby democratizes access to advertising so that anyone can build their campaigns, in the same way they would talk to a seasoned ad industry executive. Advertisers can 'speak' to Abby in plain language and sit back as she acts as a campaign expert. Abby combines the best of Generative AI with our unique data and best practices to help advertisers succeed. This is one more step on our journey to drive advertiser success with Taboola." #GenAI #Taboola #OpenWeb #DigitalAdvertising #AdTech

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