I recently became aware of the expression "Take the time it takes so it takes less time" and ... I have to agree that it is a good one.
I am now a little over two months into a new position and for these past two months, I've been working on developing a communications strategy that will guide how my team and I will work over the next years. It was arguably a long process which involved consultations with team members, senior leadership, programme managers, and a range of colleagues. But I'm glad the process took its time because I believe that now, we have a vision of where we want to be, a guide on how we should talk to ourselves, and to others.
We now have ideas on what will enable us to get where we want to be: people, starting with migrants themselves, but also technology and data to position ourselves as an authoritative voice on migration in in Nigeria.
I have to say it was also a learning moment. Throughout the process, 3 things came up that I'd like to share:
- In communications, listening matters more than speaking. We knew this already but it is worth reminding ourselves that communications is a two-way dialogue.
- Felxibility and adaptability are key (or keys?). Communications is an iterative process that requires constant reevaluation of our position and positionality. As new information and opportunities arise, we must be agile enough to adapt.
- Be creative and have fun! Media and Communications is not a routine job. It is a creative space that begs for a bit of imagination and experimentation. We must embrace it more!
So, now that the strategy is ready, it is time to turn it into a reality.
IOM Nigeria
MBA with Major in Management - Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Operations Management - BSc. Industrial Engineering
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