Scaling a first-of-a-kind technology is a high-stakes leap! On this episode of The Green Blueprint podcast, our Managing Director, Lara Pierpoint talks with Via Separations’ CEO, Shreya Dave, about their decision to scale their innovative membrane technology 100x—a step forward in industrial energy efficiency. Tune in now! #ClimateTech #FOAK #FirstOfAKind
When Via Separations faced two paths — scale up 10x or 100x — CEO and co-founder Shreya Dave decided to go big. In 2022, the company was getting ready to build its first commercial-scale filtration system, replacing energy-intensive industrial evaporation at the paper mill with a first-of-a-kind membrane they had spent years at MIT developing. Scaling up 100x would prove their technology was viable for broader commercial applications — if they could overcome the challenges. This week on The Green Blueprint with Lara Pierpoint: