The positive impacts for EUDR on the environment risk being derailed first by delays and then by the potential introduction of a “no risk” category. EUDR as initially proposed would have categorised countries into low, standard and high risk based on their levels of deforestation. Companies would then have been expected to confirm that their products had not been sourced from deforested land, amongst other requirements. The newly proposed no risk category, indicating a country with “stable” forest land, would mean they would be subject to less of the requirements that low, standard and high risk countries would be. Forestry and climate campaigners are concerned that it may lead to an increase in “laundering” of products through no risk countries and also complacency amongst those countries deemed no risk. To keep up to date with EUDR developments and find out how to ensure your company is compliant, get in touch with us. #EUDR #Deforestation #ClimateChange
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🚨 New Poll: Europeans overwhelmingly support strong action to combat #deforestation! 👉 A recent survey across seven European countries reveals that 84% of people want swift enforcement of the EU Deforestation Regulation (#EUDR). 👉 73% say implementing this law should be a top priority for the EU. The message sent by Europeans couldn’t be clearer: now is the time for the EU to lead the way in forest protection! Despite this, the European Commission has proposed to delay the law by 12 months, bowing to pressure by some governments and agriculture and forestry industry associations. The final vote to decide whether the legislation is delayed by a year takes place next week. We’re urging the EU to listen to the electorate. Commenting on the survey, Dr. Julian Oram, Policy Director at Mighty Earth said: “This year we’ve witnessed unprecedented fires, flooding and storms fuelled by global heating, of which deforestation is a key driver. These poll results should leave EU Parliamentarians in no doubt that their citizens strongly back swift implementation of the EUDR. Politicians can’t allow enforcement of this vital law to be derailed by agribusiness and forestry industry lobbyists content to let global deforestation run rampant for another year.” Read our press release 👇 Thea Parson Carole Mitchell Boris Patentreger João Gonçalves Isabel Fernández Cruz Alex Wijeratna Gemma Hoskins Jordan McDonald Amanda Hurowitz Katie Y. Glenn Hurowitz Fern NGO ZERO - ASSOCIAÇÃO SISTEMA TERRESTRE SUSTENTÁVEL Deutsche Umwelthilfe Stéphane Séjourné Jessika Roswall Wopke Hoekstra Christophe Hansen François-Xavier Bellamy Tom Berendsen Dolors Montserrat Daniel Caspary MdEP Mohammed Chahim Kathleen Van Brempt Bernd Lange Marie Toussaint Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Pascal Canfin Tiemo Wölken Manfred Weber
Majority of Europeans say strong law enforcement needed to combat deforestation - Mighty Earth
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WRI made some interesting points about the #EUDR in their response to the amendments that were proposed last week. Overall, the common theme is the lack of clarity with implementation of the regulation. 1. They point out that the "no-risk" countries provision could create loopholes for products that impact deforestation (e.g. leather from cattle). It could create the situation where companies should be ensuring the products are deforestation-free, yet it becomes difficult to enforce the EUDR because the data requirements on geospatial data have been removed. 2. There is still uncertainty about the IT implementation, particularly with vulnerable countries where there is a lack of both readiness, quality control of the data and who is ultimately verifying the data is accurate. 3. A potential challenge also is the fact the forest area changes are based on area changes alone and not considering the biodiversity. In my opinion, this would be difficult to reconcile on a practical level. However, it does pose the risk that because forest growth has increased that forestry practices that are not sustainable for the long-term could create a "no-risk" designation and provide an advantage to companies operating in these countries. Overall, it appears there is still a lot of uncertainty and remember, if the latest version is not approved, the original version of EUDR will go into effect in 5 weeks!
STATEMENT: Proposed Amendments to EU Deforestation Law Create Dangerous Loopholes and Uncertainty
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This Mongabay articles provides a good assessment of the potential impact of the delay of #EUDR on smallholder farmers, bringing in perspectives from across different sectors. I provided input on level of investment and readiness of the #cocoa and #chocolate companies who have been making investments in #traceability and #deforestation-free supply chains for a number of years. I emphasized further (though it did not show up in this piece) that we need to look beyond regulation and companies' direct supply chains if we want truly address deforestation, climate change, and #biodiversity #conservation. We need to take a landscape approach in order to improve the livelihoods of smallholders (especially the majority who are not linked to companies' supply chains), maintain and improve the ecological integrity of the landscape, and contribute to sustainable commodity supplies in the future. Wildlife Conservation Society
Smallholders offer mixed reactions to calls for delay in EU deforestation law
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Agriculture faces a unique challenge in the context of #climatechange. While it itself is vulnerable to fluctuating temperatures and extreme weather events, it is also one of the biggest contributors of greenhouse gases. About 15% of the world’s #peatlands have been drained for #agriculture, forestry and grazing. But there is a way to use peatlands in agriculture – paludiculture. Join us at the only official side event for peatlands at #COP16Colombia on: 📆 Thursday, October 31st 🕦 11:40am 📍 Mavecure, Plaza One UN Biodiversity Convention on Wetlands FAO The Nature Conservancy Michael Succow Stiftung Greifswald Moor Centrum Synchronicity Earth
Peatlands – a solution to transform our food systems - Wetlands International
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We're delighted to launch a trio of services to support your EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) compliance: 1. A rigorous gap analysis of your EUDR due diligence system 2. An online introductory EUDR course 3. Auditing against key forestry, agriculture and food sector voluntary certifications Discover the benefits: #WeAreSGS #EUDR #ForestManagement #deforestation #ForestDegradation #sustainability
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)
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The Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) and CDP present six steps companies can take to understand and disclose their progress towards deforestation- and conversion-free #supplychains. The 2024 CDP questionnaire is now available, enabling companies to report their progress in eliminating deforestation from agricultural and forestry supply chains. Investors and stakeholders rely on these disclosures to assess company performance on #climate and #naturegoals. Recent analysis shows that most companies are far from achieving deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains, even as deadlines for climate and nature targets, along with regulatory mechanisms such as the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), approach. Read more here: Stay informed about circular events and initiatives on the Circular South Africa website: Leah Samberg Tomasz Sawicki #circulareconomy #ciruclarsouthafrica #sustainability #supplychains #climategoals #deforestation #CDP2024
Companies can improve transparency on deforestation. Here’s how. - edie
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A new report by WWF estimates that EU countries could be spending between €34-48bn each year on projects that can end up damaging biodiversity in sectors such as agriculture, forestry and fisheries. The largest proportion of funding comes from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the EU’s farming-subsidy programme, which accounts for almost one-third of the bloc’s total budget. The subsidies include funds that support “unsustainable” farming, land-use changes, river fragmentation and deforestation, according to the report. It adds that these activities can have knock-on effects on biodiversity, including habitat loss, ecosystem degradation and species extinction. Prof Alan Matthews, a European agricultural policy expert at Trinity College Dublin, says the findings start a “good debate” about measuring these subsidies. The report contains a number of recommendations to put an end to these subsidies, including implementing a legally binding framework to phase out biodiversity-harmful subsidies on both EU and national levels. It's time to choose what we support with public subsidies so that we don't destroy the very thing we are trying to preserve in order to maintain our living ecosystem, and for which we have by far not the necessary means to restore. We urgently need to be consistent. #climateaction #biodiversity
EU spending up to €48bn on nature-harming activities each year, report says - Carbon Brief
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Euractiv drawing attention to impact of EUDR for smallholders. In the European Union. What is often forgotten is that EUDR also includes beef and soy produced in the EU (as well as wood and leather). The same is true for small farmers in countries like Serbia. But describing it as if farmers need to have due diligence systems. It is not the farmers but the companies that bring the products on the market that are responsible (which in some cases can be the farmers). And with a board member of the World Farmers' Organisation expressing doubts about effect vs costs of EUDR: is would ‘only’ reduce global deforestation by 1.5%! Come on! The impact of deforestation on climate and biodiversity is so immense that 1.5% would be an incredible result!
Smallholder farmers struggling with new forestry requirements
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A new report from WWF estimates that EU countries could be spending up to €48bn each year on projects that can end up damaging biodiversity in sectors such as agriculture, forestry and fisheries. 🌽🌲🐟 Read more from Orla Dwyer here ⬇️ 🗣️ It is “pretty shocking” to see the potential scale of funding that EU countries are “pouring into harmful practices”, the lead author of the report tells Carbon Brief. “Biodiversity-harmful subsidies” are essentially government incentives that supplement income 💰 for certain activities that end up damaging biodiversity. A policy expert not involved in the report says the findings may increase pressure on the EU 🇪🇺to track its harmful subsidies, but criticised some of what the report counted as ‘“harmful”. #Biodiversity #EUpolicy #Nature #Agriculture
EU spending up to €48bn on nature-harming activities each year, report says - Carbon Brief
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Nearly 30% of the #EU and #UK's agricultural area is classified as marginal, encompassing former lignite mines, degraded peatlands, and monoculture areas. While these lands have little agricultural or industrial value, converting them to #forest, #grassland, or #cropland isn't necessarily sustainable. Land-use changes can have severe environmental impacts, including increased #CO2 emissions and loss of #biodiversity. The Global Carbon Budget 2023 reveals that land-use change and forestry accounted for an average of 1.3 gigatons of carbon emissions from 2013-2022, with deforestation being a major driver. Let's rethink how we utilize marginal lands and avoid repeating past mistakes. Dive into this insightful article by Belén Gutiérrez Carmona to explore the development potential of marginal lands and their climate consequences. 📖 Read the full article here! #MarginalLands #LandUse #Biodiversity #EnvironmentalImpact #SoilHealth #CarbonEmissions #Deforestation
Marginal Lands: Avoiding the Mistakes of the Past
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