Vesiculab’s Post

Enhancing cell therapy by selecting cells with high extracellular vesicle secretion: Ke Cheng at Columbia University, Dino Di Carlo at UCLA and collaborators utilized nanovial technology to enrich millions of single cells based on EV secretion, applying this approach to select mesenchymal stem cells with high EV secretion for improved therapeutic treatment They found that the selected MSCs exhibited distinct transcriptional profiles linked to EV biogenesis and vascular regeneration, and maintained high levels of EV secretion after sorting and regrowth. An article also authored by Doyeon Felis Koo, Xiao Cheng, Shreya Udani, SEVANA BAGHDASARIAN, Dashuai Zhu, Junlang Li, Brian Hall, Natalie Tsubamoto, Shiqi Hu and Jina Ko #extracellularvesicles #exosomes #MSCs #flowcytometry #bioengineering #Vesiculab

  • Analysis and sorting of single cells based on EV secretion using nanovials and flow cytometry. A Schematic of EV biogenesis and expression of tetraspanins (CD63, CD9, CD81) on the surface of EVs. B Tetraspanin abundance for EVs secreted by immortalized mesenchymal stem cells (iMSC) analyzed by ExoView. C Validation of sandwich immunoassay for detecting secreted EVs on nanovials. EVs were captured on anti-CD63 labeled nanovials and labeled with fluorescent anti-CD9 antibodies. D Analysis of EV secretion signal on nanovials loaded with cells using ImageStream. E EV secretion+ population represents nanovials loaded with cells and containing high anti-CD9 signals. F Differences in the ratio between the area of secretion signal and overall fluorescence intensity between high and low EV secretors. G Experiment to evaluate crosstalk between cell-loaded and empty nanovials. H Single cells on nanovials were sorted based on staining for calcein AM. A, D created with

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