At WIT News, we are inspired by the incredible projects and contributors who actively communicate their research and innovation updates with the world. This year, we’ve received a wealth of announcements on achievements, milestones, and events that keep society informed and engaged. We’re proud to spotlight the Top 5 Most Viewed Articles and one special piece that readers spent the longest time with! Your stories inspire and inform—let’s keep sharing. 💡 Learn more: Together, we make a difference by spreading the word about research that transforms lives. 👏 BATSS EU, EXTENDED project, FASTEST project, NEXTBAT project, NEXTCELL project, TEMPEST Project, and NEXTCELL project 👏 The Horizon Europe project Soils for Europe Universidade de Coimbra, University of Évora, Leitat Technological Center, Natural Resources Institute Finland / Luonnonvarakeskus, Leipzig University, Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, Agroecology Europe Association, NIOO-KNAW, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Pensoft Publishers, Lund University, Institute of Advanced Studies Koszeg, National Observatory of Athens, NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences, University of Antwerp, Università di Trento, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, ICLEI Europe, University of Barcelona) 👏 The EU-funded H2020 project MOVING - Mountain Valorisation through Interconnectedness and Green Growth 👏 The EU-funded H2020 project CATCO2NVERS
💡 🌱 Thank you for sharing the progress and updates of European research and innovation projects WIT News
👏 The Horizon Europe project SYMBA EU Project European Commission I European Research Executive Agency (REA) I ENCO Engineering and Consulting srl I CIRCE - Centro Tecnológico I Centexbel I Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant I Climate-KIC I AIMPLAS · Technological Institute of Plastics I Novamont I Cetaqua - Water Technology Centre I ICLEI