The #1 Reason to Attend Security Trade Shows (Hint: It Isn't the Vendors)
It's not the after-parties either...
Initially, I was planning on writing about attending ISC West, however with the Coronavirus all over the news, I decided to not write specifically about ISC West. Frankly, the #1 reason expands to more than just ISC West anyway.
Many of us will go to shows and coddiwomple the floor only to see similar hardware and software, between manufacturers. Don't get me wrong, there are offerings that have differentiation but that will require us to stop, listen, and take a deeper dive; not just grab a pen, USB drive, or a business card holder for the back of our phone as we say, "Go ahead and scan me, and email me the information."
The #1 reason to attend security trade shows is to have a cup of coffee.
We all love to catch up with old friends at the shows. When we commit the time to sit down and discuss industry challenges we allow ourselves to brainstorm solutions.
Challenge yourself to have coffee with your competition. Challenge yourself to have coffee with another end user practitioner who is not in your vertical industry. Challenge yourself to have coffee with someone from your Linkedin connections that you are connected with but don't really know well, or at all.
It is within these conversations that we can share ideas and volley solutions back and forth. It's more than just talking shop. It is about discussing specific topics impacting the security industry.
If you're like me, and not drinking coffee right now, meet up for tea.
#iscwest #iscwest2020 #security #tradeshow #securitytradeshow
Sales Executive | Winning New Logos, Strong Margins, and Recurring Revenue | Technical | Engineering | Security Innovations Expertise
4ySo much merit in this statement "Challenge yourself to have coffee with your competition."
Business Development Leadership | Client Relations | Strategic Accounts
4yYou hit the nail right on the head. Thanks for sharing.
Director de Ventas Centroamerica en Latin America RepGroup
4ySimply awesome, thanks for sharing!.
Well said Derek! Hope to see you, however my preference will be a Stoli on the rocks.