It's the People, Not the Technology
Congratulations Mr. Manufacturer, your product is filled to the brim with technology. It pours out onto the table for the world to see. Does anyone have any paper towels? Not that thin stuff, I’m talking Brawny! This technology is everywhere! Dammit, it’s on my shoe.
Now what?
Some organizations put so much weight into the technological deliverable that they miss the mark on the human aspect.
I am not saying that technology isn’t important. I love technology. No, I mean I LOOOOVE technology! I can’t wait for the “real world and the VR world” to collide together and humans lose track as to which is which. I can’t wait for everyday brain to brain communication. Sending thoughts through a connected brain via the internet. I can’t wait for the day our children are talking to their children saying, “We used to carry something called a smart phone. HAHAHA. Yeah, we actually carried the thing in our hand.” Oh, and the day we get ‘heads up display’ contact lenses with built in facial recognition to trigger a database. I think I need a cigarette.
I love leveraging cloud and fog computing. I love IoT. Um, I mean ‘real’ IoT, not the IoT you think is IoT because you heard IoT is an important concept.
What good is it really? What good is all this technology without the human touch?
When humans sit down together and map out ideas, strategies, and solutions nothing can stop us. Collaboration! It seems like a lost science doesn’t it? One human telling another human their business challenges and unsolved business issues. Telling them where they are losing money within the organization. Communicating with them and creating a partnership, whereby, these humans leverage their resources to solve challenges. Leverage the technology available to solve the challenges. Leveraging our minds to pivot workflow and implement new SOPs to solve business challenges.
Humans over technology.