The 10-dash line, standard maps, leapfrog development, and the Clean Silk Road

The 10-dash line, standard maps, leapfrog development, and the Clean Silk Road

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 标准地图 / standard map 

Today’s quote:

- 中方在南海问题上的立场是一贯、明确的。中方主管部门每年都会例行发布各类型标准地图,旨在为社会各界提供标准地图服务,提高公众规范使用地图意识。 

China’s position on the South China Sea is consistent and clear. The competent authorities of China routinely publish standard maps of various types every year, which aims to make standard maps available to all sectors of society and raise public awareness of the standardized use of maps. We hope parties concerned can view it in an objective and rational light. 

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 据媒体报道,印度外交部发言人就中国发布标准地图表示,印方已通过外交渠道向中方提出了“强烈抗议”,中方此举只会使边界问题的解决复杂化。 

According to reports, India’s External Affairs Ministry spokesperson said that India lodged a strong protest through diplomatic channels with the Chinese side on the standard map released by China and that such steps by the Chinese side only complicate the resolution of the boundary question. 

- 8月28日,中国自然资源部发布了2023年版标准地图。这是中方依法行使主权的例行性做法,希望有关方面客观冷静看待,不要过度解读。 

On August 28 [2023], the Ministry of Natural Resources of China released the 2023 edition of the standard map. It is a routine practice in China’s exercise of sovereignty in accordance with the law. We hope relevant sides can stay objective and calm, and refrain from over-interpreting the issue. 

  • 跨越式发展 / leapfrog development 

Today’s quote:

- 中尼复交以来,两国关系呈现跨越式发展。双方政治互信加速深化,各领域务实合作成果丰硕,复交红利不断释放,充分证明中尼复交顺应了历史潮流和时代大势,符合两国和两国人民根本利益。中方愿同尼方一道努力,推动双边关系不断迈上新台阶,给两国人民带来更多福祉。 

Since the two countries [China and Nicaragua ] resumed diplomatic relations, we have witnessed leapfrog development in bilateral relations, deepening political mutual trust and fruitful practical cooperation. The dividends of resuming diplomatic relations continue to be felt. These have fully proved that the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Nicaragua is in line with the trend of history and the times, and serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples. China is ready to work with Nicaragua to promote bilateral relations to a new height and bring more benefits to our peoples. 

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 建交25年来,中南关系实现从伙伴关系、战略伙伴关系到全面战略伙伴关系的跨越式发展,成为发展中国家最具活力的双边关系之一。 

Over the past 25 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties [between China and South Africa], our relationship has achieved leapfrog development--from a partnership to a strategic partnership, and then to a comprehensive strategic partnership. It is one of the most vibrant bilateral relations in the developing world. 

- 新质作战力量建设提质增速,以舰载机飞行人才和航母指挥人才等为代表的新型人才方阵崛起壮大,以第四代装备为引领、第三代装备为主体的现代化装备体系正在形成,以海外保障基地、海上医疗救护等为依托的综合保障链路更加高效,实现了跨越式发展。 

The building of new combat forces has improved in quality and speed. There are more new-type talent represented by carrier-borne aircraft pilots and aircraft carrier commanders. A modern equipment system with the fourth-generation equipment taking the lead and the third-generation equipment as the mainstay is taking shape. The integrated support chain based on overseas support base and maritime medical rescue platforms has become more efficient and achieved leapfrog development. 

- 但是现在5G、物联网、大数据、云计算、人工智能这些新的技术应用,给了我们流通企业弯道超车的好机遇,我们也鼓励和引导流通企业抢抓这个机遇,能够在流通的数字化、网络化和智能化方面跨越式发展。 

However, the application of new technologies, such as 5G, Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, has provided a good opportunity for distributors to catch up. We will also encourage and guide distributors to seize this opportunity for leapfrog development in digitalized, network-based and intelligent circulation. 

- 近40年来,中国坚持对外开放,在走向世界的过程中实现了自身跨越式发展。 

In nearly four decades, China has opened its arms to embrace the world and achieved "leapfrog development" of itself in this process. 

  • 廉洁丝绸之路 / Clean Silk Road 

- 中方同合作伙伴积极推进“一带一路”廉洁建设,加强反腐败国际合作,共同发起《廉洁丝绸之路北京倡议》。 

China has also worked with cooperation partners to actively promote the building of a clean Belt and Road, enhance anti-corruption international cooperation, and jointly launched the Beijing Initiative for the Clean Silk Road. 

  • 强制同化 / forced assimilation; coercive assimilation 

Today’s quote:

- 近日,美方以西藏“强制同化”为由对中方官员实施签证限制,中方表示将作出坚决有力回应。 

Last week, the US imposed visa restrictions on some Chinese officials for their part in “forced assimilation” in Tibet. 

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 西藏人权处于历史最好时期,国际社会对此有目共睹。长期以来,西藏经济蓬勃发展,社会和谐稳定,文化传统得到保护和弘扬,各族人民包括宗教信仰自由、使用和发展本民族语言文字的自由在内的各项权利和自由得到充分保障。与国际通行做法一样,中国的寄宿制学校根据当地学生需求设置,在中国各省区都有。在中国西藏,一些地区由于海拔很高,人口居住极为分散,特别是牧民孩子上下学路途遥远、十分不便,分散办学难以保证老师的数量和教学质量。为保障所有儿童平等享受教育的权利,根据实际需要设置了寄宿制学校。寄宿完全看学生和家长的意愿和需求。寄宿学生在每个周末和节假日(包括藏历新年、雪顿节等西藏传统节日),以及寒暑假都可以选择回家,父母可以随时到校看望子女,也可以根据需要随时接子女回家。同时,有关学校普遍开设了藏语文、民族舞蹈等传统文化课程,提供高原传统食品,学生在校期间也可以穿戴民族服饰。西藏寄宿制学校恰恰是保护西藏人权和文化传统的生动案例,所谓“强制同化”纯属子虚乌有。 

The human rights conditions in Tibet are at their historical best, as witnessed by the international community. The region has long enjoyed a booming economy, harmonious and stable society, and effective protection and promotion of cultural heritage. The rights and freedoms of all ethnic groups, including the freedom of religious belief and the freedom to use and develop their ethnic groups’ spoken and written languages, are fully protected. As is commonly seen around the world, there are boarding schools across Chinese provinces and regions to meet the need of the local students. In the case of China’s Tibet, this is a region of high altitude and highly scattered population in many areas. For children from herding families in particular, they have to travel long distances to get to school. If schools were to be built in every place the students live, it would be very difficult to ensure adequate teachers and quality of teaching in each school. That is why boarding schools have been set up as a practical way to ensure all children’s equal right to education. It is entirely up to the students and their parents whether to go to boarding schools or not. Students can choose to go home on every weekend, holiday and festival (including traditional Tibetan festivals such as the Tibetan New Year and the Shoton Festival), as well as during the winter and summer breaks. Parents can visit their children at school any time and take their children home whenever needed. Courses of traditional culture, such as Tibetan language and literature and folk dance, are widely available, traditional food unique to the Tibet Plateau is provided, and students are allowed to wear traditional dresses at these schools. The boarding schools in Tibet are examples of human rights and cultural heritage protection. The so-called “forced assimilation” is pure fabrication. 

- 19世纪70至80年代,美国政府采取“强制同化”政策,旨在消灭印第安部落的社会组织结构和文化,破除其族群身份认同。 

In the 1870s and ’80s, the US government adopted a policy of “forced assimilation” to obliterate the social fabric and culture of Indian tribes and destroy the ethnic and tribal identity of the Indians. 

- 美国政府将打击新疆“强迫劳动”,并反制“大规模监视、强制人口控制及拘留、强制同化”。 

The US government will combat “forced labor” in Xinjiang and counter intrusive surveillance, forced population control measures, detention and coercive assimilation, the report said. 

- 美国国务院反复发表报告,散布所谓新疆存在“强迫劳动”“拘留营”“强制同化”等世纪谎言,妄图污蔑抹黑新疆,遏制中国发展,但这一阴谋不会得逞。 

The US State Department repeatedly releases reports to spread the lies of the century on “forced labor”, “detention camps” and “coercive assimilation” in Xinjiang, in an attempt to smear Xinjiang and contain China’s development. However, this plot will never succeed. 

  • 十段线 / 10-dash line (see also nine-dash line 九段线 jiǔ duàn xiàn) 

- 中国最新发布的2023年版标准地图在南海标注了“十段线”,其中包括台湾东南部和东部两段,但中国2009年向联合国提交的地图中仅有“九段线”。 

The latest 2023 map released by China shows a 10-dash line in the South China Sea including two dashes east and southeast of Taiwan. In the map submitted by China to the UN in 2009, there were just 9 dashes. Malaysia, India as well as the Philippines have protested against this new map. 

  • 外国军事融资计划 / Foreign Military Financing, FMF (According to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency: The Arms Export Control Act (AECA), as amended [22 U.S.C. 2751, et. seq.], authorizes the President to finance procurement of defense articles and services for foreign countries and international organizations. FMF enables eligible partner nations to purchase U.S. defense articles, services, and training through either FMS or, for a limited number of countries, through the foreign military financing of direct commercial contracts (FMF/DCC) program. Secretary of State determines which countries will have programs.  Secretary of Defense executes the program. FMF is a source of financing and may be provided to a partner nation on either a grant (non-repayable) or direct loan basis.) 

- 美国通过适用于主权国家的所谓“外国军事融资计划”向中国台湾地区提供武器,严重违反一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报特别是“八·一七”公报规定,严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,损害中国主权和安全利益,危害台海和平稳定,向“台独”分裂势力发出严重错误信号。中方对此强烈不满、坚决反对。 

The US decision to provide weapons to China’s Taiwan region under the so-called Foreign Military Financing used for sovereign states seriously violates the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US joint communiqués, especially the August 17 Communiqué of 1982. This move seriously violates international law and basic norms governing international relations, undermines China’s sovereignty and security interests, harms peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and sends gravely wrong signals to “Taiwan independence” separatist forces. China deplores and firmly opposes them. 

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