40 Things That Really Work
After 30+ years in ministry I have found the following 40 things to "work" in edifying the saints, they are in random order and some are rather obvious: Feel free to share this post.
1. Exalting Christ and teaching about Him regularly and centrally.
2. Teaching on prayer
3. Backing up everything with Scripture and honouring the Bible
4. Expository preaching as the main form of preaching with occasional topical preaching
5. Basic apologetics and correction of common errors in both church and culture
6. Teaching the creeds about every three years especially the Trinity (Nicene) and the Two Natures of Christ (Chalcedon)
7. Confessing Scripture in prayer, daily.
8. Preaching for a definite and clear conversion from unbelief, from sin and from the world.
9. Emphasis on being filled with the Spirit on a daily basis
10. The doctrines of a renewed mind and getting rid of "stinking thinking"
11. Speaking in tongues (without overdoing it)
12. Demonstrating faith and authority during public prayer.
13. Hospitality ministry, genuine friendliness
14. First-class church administration and systems that let no parishioner "fall between the cracks", thus closing the back door of the church.
15. Having an external focus and a Great Commission emphasis.
16. Small group ministry with trained leaders.
17. One-to-one personal discipleship
18. Praying people though - intense personal prayer over a parishioner
19. Praying for the lost, by name, until they are saved.
20. Teaching on heaven,Hell, the spiritual world and our eternal hope
21. Teaching through 1 John - it always blesses folks.
22. Team leadership and empowered membership
23. Giving and compassion, modelling and expecting generosity and kindness
24. Being a very encouraging leader, folk just don't need petty criticism from a pastor
25. Being a very firm leader who sets holy expectations right up front.
26. Developing a culture of politeness, reverence and respect for the sacred. Deep worship.
27. Expecting righteousness and spiritual growth and exhorting for it to happen.
28. Teaching about what parishioners are "thinking in their hearts" and getting to grips with their doubts and fears.
29. Exorcism and spiritual warfare, mainly done in private
30. Being contagiously enthusiastic about the work of God and miracles and Kingdom growth (even if it is another church)
31. Testing people before giving them any task in the church.
32. Teaching people to discern between the true and the false. Explaining how you arrived at a certain conclusion.
33. Encouraging folks to develop their own personal ministries and methods of outreach so they use their gifts.
34. Teaching against the occult and getting parishioners to destroy idols and other paraphernalia
35. Expecting God to turn up and being flexible to change the routine when He does.
36. Being strong with the strong and weak with the weak.
37. Hospital visits, being there during moments of crisis.
38. Creating the clear expectation that faith will be abundantly rewarded in due time and that it is worth being a Christian.
39. Pointing out the logical and inevitable consequences of sin, folly and unbelief, warning and exhorting them, yet without manipulation.
40. Creating small active ministry teams of like-minded folk who have tremendous zeal for a particular project or ministry.
9yJohn, I notice from Acts 2:5ff that tongues being spoken are intelligible languages ...6 When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. 7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? 9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,[b] 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” 12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?” So I take it that your congregation has many members that are multi lingual and speak the foreign language of foreigners attending meetings. But I suspect that "tongues" you speak of are not intelligible languages that are understood by foreigners who are present. In that case I would review the validity of "your" speaking in tongues and ensure that they are not just gibberish that no one understands. Yours because He dared to die for us; may His blessings abound on you and those around you. Regards - David
9yJohn, this is a wonderful. Thank you.
CEO / Trustee at Safe Haven Housing Trust
9yGreat thought provoking list John. Thanks for posting this list that I can use and encourage our workers to use.
Office Professional in Administration
9ySorry I posted too soon...I tried to ask if the weak should look up to the stronger believers to help lift them.
Office Professional in Administration
9yVery good and valid points, although I wonder about #35, ie, ...being weak to the weak. Shoyldn