75% local job reservation in Andhra, India - The Global ramifications!
Employment demands - Global scenario
Globally employment demands have been a big issue for the last 10-15 years at least! That is evident from the way every government across the globe had been jumping on the localization or local job reservation band wagon!
It is not just US or UK or EU setting the trend as recent as couple of years ago with the political turmoil of Brexit and Syria and migration threats and dangers! It has been around in Middle East for more than 15 years!
To start a business you need local partner for namesake at least with minimal stake or fees etc Then we had the African BEP or Black Empowerment program! Then the EU and US many raising concerns that cheap and illegal immigrants were taking away jobs!
Post recession shift
Until late 1990's no one in EU or US were bothered about jobs! The richest economies of the world were developing entrepreneurs in several fields! They were providing consultancy, freelance and enterprising innovative opportunities for all!
I remember when a down sizing happened, people voluntarily quit in Japan and EU and took the offered package and took breaks! Mid 2000 saw slow down and several other global challenges making things dangerous in economical and physical manner!
The jobs, economy all slowed down and affected all! Hikes, progressions, rewards, returns all became very scarce and low! Cost saving was the watch word and multi skill building the way forward!
End of apartheid and political changes because people were disillusioned with the fact that governments were not doing anything to save the economy and jobs! The resentment came to the level where cheap labor / migrants were accused and targeted!
Europe - Middle East - Africa
The wealth being available made EU and Middle East prosperous and the population being low saw migrants being allowed and coming in to take up residence and jobs! The population boom and economy doom saw this change!
Also changing political equations - rulers changing like Africa apartheid ending and then BEP started! Available or not, capable or not reserve jobs for the new freedom winners! Same way the new generation of Middle East wanted key roles and jobs!
Europe had many people migrate from former colonies and starting jobs with less demands! With EU they crossed all over EU and made things difficult once economy slowed down! Suddenly the EU was not so great with many countries going bankrupt!
Suddenly all felt the EU policy is dangerous if jobs are given out to migrants! Brexit followed and stringent rules of migration and jobs started across EU. Many companies faced legal issues when scams and crimes hit!
Suddenly EU felt insecure about migrants, data being stored or used by non EU people/ organizations and new rules started like GDPR etc Migration became tougher and jobs being outsourced started getting stringently checked!
US and Rest of World
Then came US changes! Accusation of job loss due to specific country or nationalities was the first! Trade, migration, business rules, all underwent changes! Businesses were under scrutiny about outsourcing, employment, fund movement and many more!
Trade balance and visa between countries were scrutinized. People were losing jobs, residency status and more! Suddenly countries were also hunted down for what was termed adverse policies!
Rest of the World reacted! Several countries like Russia, Korea, Venezuela, China, Iran, India and many were scrutinized and several trade rules and treaties were changed or cancelled! They reacted as they could in different ways back also!
Walls were built literally and physically between many countries! Many things became difficult and many years long practices and relations were questioned! All because of jobs and public perception!
Let us be realistic - in many ways all the countries already made it difficult for others to work or set business! Red tape, favoritism, other means of cost control using taxes and resource cost etc or making sure that people issues are happening were subtle challenges!
The world is doing it now openly and very hostilely towards specific nationalities, whatever the reality and reasons, now it was all open discrimination! Discrimination against nationalities, color and creed with people and government together!
The Andhra reservation
A state or county in India doing reservation for local candidates at 75% is not a big thing, but what if other states followed? What if all country followed? What if they felt similar to other countries and demand similar thing across all foreign companies?
A hotbed of political intervention into business and jobs is what is happening globally! India had never been like that till now! This is open declaration that government will step in! There are subtle things happening in several states as we know!
Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra, MP, UP, Bengal all talk about how culture is eroded, people are migrating and making things worse and law and order situation and more such arguments! Even language is an issue! To local language or one Pan India language!
Now local jobs for locals only, the issue will flare up! I remember in my childhood how unemployment was a big thing in India and in Kerala there was a protest march and the slogan 'Give us job, Give us wages, Give us money to buy our rations'.
The second slogan was even more painful - 'Madrasil chennal thirumbipo, Bombayil chennal Sivasena, Saala Madrasi parayum mattulor, Malayali evide pokum jolikkayi'
The meaning of the slogan which was in Malayalam was - Go to Madras (Chennai's old name) told to GO BACK (in Tamil), Bombay (Mumbai old name) we go then Sivasena (a local promotion strong party), Rascal Madras fellow (All South Indians were called Madrasi by North Indians even now) says the rest, where should a Malayalam speaking (Kerala language) go for a job?
The reality is everyone has a right to live. We either co-exist or the world becomes a war zone with selfish motives, promoted by vested interests of power and position and wealth maybe?
There is no solution with people up in arms and politicians taking advantage! We need cooperation, collaboration and co-existence! Otherwise we will make things worse and perish unnecessarily!
Reservations and restrictions and hostility is not the answer! Let us hope sense prevails and we work to create a cooperative world where we can all survive together!